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travelog entries:
  neoscenes webspace version history
from the original 1994-96 site, hosted on
the Icelandic Educational Network server
To keep you posted on what changes and additions I have been making to this site, check out the following version history:

March 13 2008
finally rolled over to a server which can host all of the neoscenes site under one roof (along with the tech-no-mad site as well. it's a relief as the other hosting service which was free just wasn't working (although deep thanks for David for providing the opportunity to get up to speed on php/sql things!)

Jan 10 2008
following a huge SQL tech collapse in November ('07) while on the road in Germany, recovered the travelog from that; and began updating many things -- added the Amazon support page among other things.

May 19 2007
finished off the Apotek portrait series -- something hanging over my head for months -- added the final 45 images to this series (75 images total) -- portraits of city workers in the old Apotek Building in downtown Reykajvík, immediately before they vacated that building for the new city hall building a couple blocks away. still have to finish half the 425 or so images from the GHS 1976 series -- they are scans from negatives, and bad negatives at that, so they need extensive spotting, etc. and, at this point, they are not really timely. so what?

May 14 2007
did a massive survey on all media content, checking links, pop-ups and so on -- & after opening the tech-no-mad.net server at godaddy.com, with 100 gigs of storage space, migrated all media to that server from the isnm.de one that Mindaugas had loaned me space on. succeeded in getting most the Real audio/video streaming clips up and running except for the more complex sets of content from the difusion event, and some other streaming performances.

June 30 2006
the travelog rolls over the half-million-hit mark since the present counter was initiated two years ago. not bad. time has left some things behind, and others ahead.

January 07 2006
the entire travelog is now rolled over to php/sql, more than 1200 entries, hundreds of images, as well as sonic and video samples. in an effort to make the whole site for robust as a historical resource, it will continue to evolve with retrospectively added material from the archives. this includes the adding of project documentation material whenever possible.
October 01 2005

adding quite a bit of sonic and visual content these days. the travelog, now with 563 entries, is moving forward and back in time as I add current content and roll older content over into the SQL database format.

May 01 2005

much has been accomplished. the site becomes an end in itself. with many images, text, some audio and some video up and running. the travelog and php-driven shuffle quotations and images make many pages unique on load.

January 01 2005

have more than 100 base pages shifted over, still many major project pages waiting for massaged documentation data, but things are proceeding. the biggest obstacle is the digitizing of QuickTime data and new a/v work. Merry New Year!

December 11 2004

progress continues, slowly melding old things into new forms, and getting new work and documentation of recent projects into form for sharing.

October 10 2004

FINALLY, a major shift begins, though the design is nothing spectacular, at least the navigation structure will be harmonized along with a fast-loading and simple template interface that will follow you around the entire site, eventually. as of the moment, the travelog site is completely rolled over, and subsequent content will proceed as possible in the next weeks... or months, as the frame of busyness gets more and more constricting. the new server (located somewhere in Texas), is glitchy on occasion, but otherwise seems to be a decent platform for working from.

September 2004

this is approximately the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of this web site!

March 25 2004

almost a year later, and not too much has happened. but, began some informative and inspirational conversations with Christian in February about re-design, and then met David Knight who runs (as a side-line) a hosting service which I will move my domain to shortly. the service includes a wide variety of services including a custom blog interface which I will roll the travelog over to as it enters its 9th year of existence.

May 20 2003

bzzzzzzzzzzz. who has time for re-design? only small additions related to adsorbtion of the di-fusion sites, small additions to the travelog (not traveling as much as has been normal for the last 7 years). while the re-design structure is done, the actual decisions on pop-up menus, specific page designs, and navigational issues just don't get the thought time required to execute. A complete re-design might be the wrong approach, anyway, I've begun thinking that I should roll some small project sections into Flash-works and go from there. Or just can the whole thing and concentrate on other things... strange to think that the Web is almost 10 years old, and this web-space around 9 years old already.

November 20 2002

data re-structuring as I get slowly closer to a design/navigation re-rake.

November 04 2002

Loki and I collab on his new site -- to keep remote family and friends up to date on his doings in Amurika this year... (ed. now offline)

June 10 2002

neoscenes.net again migrated (invisibly) to another host server, this time the isnm.de server hosted by the blurr_lab at the University of Colorado. it's a Mac OSX server that I have admin access to. I like that set-up! the issues of hosting a site become more and more politicized. not in a positive sense either. the network utopians/libertarians have not acceded to power, actually they have all been kicked out of ICANN. and the fat media powerbrokers have taken over.

March 21 2002

added a couple horizontal image works -- thanksgiving, new years: vegas, and have begun bridging things more aggressively.

February 2 2002

adding some teaching things, and the silke hypertext. advanced state of stasis ensues, as without travel, the travelog becomes redundant.

October 21 2001

added the First Nation stories, a series of mp3 audio recordings that I made for Loki from a nice collection of legends, myths, and stories. stored the 80 megs of files (2.5 hours worth!) on the students.llaky.fi server which I still seem to have unlimited access to... wonder when that will cease! there are at least 200 megs on it at the moment. also implemented css site-wide, though not a comprehensive implementation, it at least controls font styles independently. later stylistic revisions will be much easier now that the precedent is set. takes some serious re-coding (correcting of slack html) to allow css to function properly. and there is a conflict with explorer. there will be a time when this site will not "work." when it will not be accesible. that's when a book is needed.

September 21 2001

slow modifications, parallel to teaching a network production seminar in Finland and among the considerably intense drama unfolding in the world. aiming to a third frame of structure and better organization of the material under topical divisions like audio, video, text, image, hypertext, network, info, and soon. but when to have the time to retro fit?

August 01 2001

transformations possible, as hosting with UIAH suxs -- the whole site goes down every weekend because nobody is adminning... and I have to use an ssh connection to ftp. looking for a new host.

February 10 2001

after attaching the website, and doing the job of unifying everything, I discovered that the security measures in place on the host server are such that I cannot access the site via ftp from outside Finland -- something that is a bit absurd. so the site was static for two months 15.12.00 -15.02.01 during my travels in the US and Europe. faugh!

September 18 2000

WELL, big changes, finally. something that I have been wanting to do for a LONG time. neoscenes.net is up and running as a domain. once I get the structural situation shuffled out --as it has been 4 years since the entire site was located on one server, and it now takes up approximately 80 Mb of disk space -- the next step is to reform the graphic appearance, unifying the many separate threads, and creating numerous cross threading without the complication and worry of cross-server linkages.

August 11 2000

another note-taking. not much has been happening on the site all summer, not even the travelog. would like to ... blah blah blah ... but that seems impossible. just going to retrospectively add to the travelog recently developed and scanned images from the last two years. what more?

February 19 2000

undertaking small re-structurings to bring much of the site under the same framed-construction. still can't decide to trash the whole lot and begin anew or to continue to slowly upgrade interfaces to ancient works... like, the personal websites link page, I restructured into a frames-based page, so browsing is easier. the same with the index of all photographs on the web site.

January 11 2000

nothing really new here, just wanted to put the 2000 in a header date. the site languishes in a design desert. really need to update things.

November 21 1999

I add a real audio copy of a public lecture I did at the Muthesius College of Art and Design in Kiel, Germany last April -- the Intro by Hannes Brunner, part 1, and part 2

October 1 1999

as Millennial fevers begin sweeping the Western World, I resume the travelog: too many things to recover many details, but somehow there are things that MUST be noted. not much else happening with the site, no special projects, just hanging on.

July 17 1999

the travelog is finished. life has passed by that moment. the web site becomes a drudgery on top of realities that leave me with an uncertain record of being.

July 14 1999

neoscenes occupation project 2 documentation as prepared by some of the students involved in the workshop will be uploaded this week.

May 24 1999

several visual projects have been modified including noun and three from the Book of 1000 Buddhas -- partners:tragicomedy, book of hours, and the full movie.

February 21 1999

added the beginning of an IRC/iVisit logfile archive with highLights from various performances and dialogues of the past three years.

December 24 1998

the spot.Colorado.edu account expires at the end of this month. the greater fraction of the site now resides on the students.llaky.fi server in Tornio. (ed. NO MORE! the entire site is at https://neoscenes.net) Happy Christmas!

December 10 1998

Trying to keep up on things. neoscenes occupation project 1 passed by with some minimal documentation.

September 3 1998

Ars Electronica gives me a chance to launch the neoscenes occupation project, and I had the opportunity to make small changes to the entire web site (eventually transferring the whole thing to the students.llaky.fi server in Lapland).

July 30 1998

only slow expansions and archiving, more images in the total travelog, not much new. no time for it. what is to be reported? This web space is moving into it's fifth year already. it looks it -- dated and lacking the slick interactivity of the newer generations of web works.

FRIDAY! February 13 1998

new interface for the site -- using frames! you might run into some glitches and other problems as this change takes hold. cosmetic changes are in the pipes, too, stay tuned!

January 10 1998

I have decided to begin deconstructing my web site bit-by-bit, concentrating on quality rather than quantity in the next months, reworking a select few areas, and eliminating a significant number of segments of it that are neither formally nor content-wise of interest.

December 5 1997

students in my Critical Thinking class (see below) have been collaborating with me to form the content of the worldview hyperspace project, it is entering phase two in the next week with cross bridges spawning multi-dimensional movement.

September 9 1997

Well, from here at the Ars Electronica open-X workspace in Linz, Austria, you can check out the MUU collaboration net.sauna (server now defunct!).

September 4 1997

Since I am teaching at CU-Boulder for the fall semester, I have begun incorporating the Web as an integral part of the two classes, Digital Imaging and Critical Thinking on Art and Society.

July 12 1997

Yet another change in the sea of Webbing... My main home-page URL has changed yet again:

OLD: http://www.usa.net/~hopkins
NEW: https://neoscenes.net/

June 4 1997

Well, I lost the use of one server that was carrying a number of works like the center of the Universe, Joshua and the Wall, and others... In the next weeks I will be working on restoring these things to another server somewhere else...

April 19 1997

Well, on the road again for the next few months, a condition of life that calls for a return to the travelog mode...

March 12 1997

Just added the old work Partners: a tragicomedy in 33 parts as a slide show. I think it was the first work I ever uploaded onto the Internet through the OTiS/SiTO pages now, four years ago or so, although this new incarnation is animated...

February 15 1997

Something new, a net-version of Joshua and the Wall, a mural work that I did way back in December 1989 in respone to the events in Germany related to the collapse of the "Wall". I had just spent a few weeks in Berlin the preceeding August (1989) with Stefan, Magga, and Debra, and used the images from that visit to construct an intersection of strangely parallel universes...

January 25 1997

I finally have retreived almost everything from the old server crash, and although the InterNet Project is not such an important documentation, it was an exciting introduction for my students in Iceland to the use of the InterNet as a medium of artistic collaboration. I also made a mundane home page for the Primenet server.

January 5 1997

Just reloaded Light on water -- something I have been wanting to do for some time now -- along with additional imagery and a revamped text. I snagged an extra 5 megs of server space on my father's local access provider...! Also added more images to the travelog, sped up that work, uh, and generally added details everywhere, oh yeah, I started an index of photographs that appear in this web space.

December 31 1996

I had been wanting a spot just for displaying single black-and-white photographic images on the site, so I added the " image of the day" (no longer active) link on the home and index pages where I will post one of the thousands of images from the archive on a rotating basis (irregular, to be sure!).

December 18 1996

My proposal, eight dialogues, for the PORT at MIT project was accepted, so now I have to make some plan for executing and documenting it.

December 8 1996

Finally got some of my portrait work back online. Basically only a revival of the old web site, but made a bit more consistent. Gotta do something new next. This is too straight-forward a way of working.

December 5 1996

My nephew, Jason, is letting me use some extra space he has on his server (getnet.com) to store a number of modules of revived material from my old website as well as some newer material... Good deal -- thanks Jase!

November 26 1996

The Sandra Gering Gallery in SoHo is the site of the blast5drama event at which I am doing a dinner performance series. I also have added a brief essay concerning my relationship to water...

November 24 1996

Kristen up at The Net Net put up my "Manifestations of Networking" essay on her netzine Web Schmeb -- follow the links.

October 9 1996

Still in Helsinki, working on a variety of projects, and slowly getting parts of my old web site online. Very Slowly... I also added an article I wrote for the Finnish Journal of Photography ValoKuva entitled Manifestations of Networking.

September 10 1996

Well. Reeling from the un-expected demise of my server access in Iceland.

OLDEST: http://rvik.ismennt.is/~hopkins
OLDER: http://members.iex.net/~hopkins
NEW: https://neoscenes.net

My entire site was whiffed out of existence into digital heaven without warning the day after I arrived in Helsinki. (Thanks for the warning ISMENNT!) With great luck, I had just the evening before downloaded the entire site over the fast connection at MUU Media Base. Otherwise I would have lost the entire thing... Anyways, here it is, and it will slowly grow. I hope to use the opportunity to improve both the structure and the form...

September 5 1996

I have started working on the web site for the Media and Ethics Conference (server now defunct) while I am here in Helsinki -- actually that's the main reason that I am here, although I will also teach an HTML workshop to a group of artists at MUU Media Base, make a few lectures at the Tampere College of Art and Communication, and the Academy of Fine Art.

September 4 1996

Adrianne Wortzel, my EDITOR at BLAST, invited me to contribute to the blast5drama vehicle project -- you can find solstice to solstice and breaking bread and naming at the blast5drama site.

August 7 1996

Many weeks pass, and I have had little time to do more than add fragmentary entries into the Travelog, which is now called the illustrated travelog and has moved to a new (and faster?) server in the US. I developed about 20 rolls of film which I have been slowly scanning in selected images from to be added to the travelog as I get the time. Why am I doing this?

June 18 1996

I have been doing some restructuring of the site, trying to add sensible navigation buttons here and there, and thinking about the overall structure of the site. Conceptually, a site needs to have some kind of flow to it, else folks leap outward and onward in their surfing. I haven't the time to really put thought in to it -- as it would require a complete restructuring and re-writing of the site, as well as learning a new HTML software, which I don't feel like doing, but the way I am typing code now is problematic... No time. NYC in two weeks.

June 6 1996

Re-did the travelog section with better navigation and access.

May 15 1996

From MUU Media ry in Helsinki, I was able to upload a new work in progress, the sacrifice, on the (sometimes rather slow) Netbase server down in Vienna... Thanks to Konrad Becker for the space...

April 18 1996

Well, here in Vienna, I have been adding to the travelog regularly, and have had some access to do web reseach in between some serious bouts with SUNSHINE, as spring has finally really arrived. It is about time. I updated the postcard page, adding a few newer ones and cleaning things up...

March 29 1996

Finally back online! Total Cold Turkey there for a time in the UK where I didn't have any access at all. HELP! Where's my email? Very traumatic indeed. Even though tormented by serious pangs of digital withdrawal, I have managed to have a good time anyways. I am making a start on a travelog about my movements these days, despite the infrequent opportunities to sit and work on it. It starts in the UK in the middle of March after I arrived in London from NYC via Reykjavík. I hope to develop it further with images and so on as I continue this journey to Köln, Vienna, Budapest, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, and various points in between. We'll see, eh?

March 9 1996

Robbin Murphy of ArtNetWeb invited me in as guest artist on the Pseudo Online Network program "ARtdIRT" this past Friday, the 8th of March, in the luxurious Manhattan studios of P.O.N. This regularly scheduled program is hosted by G.H. Hovagimyan and co-hosted by Adrianne Wortzel and Robbin. It was a good time, and I was excited by the possibilities represented in the developing dialogue. You can soon hear a RealAudio archive recording of the broadcast at the ArtDirt site above (but only if you have Netscape 2.0 and the newest version of RealAudio player, which, for Macs, is only for the Power PC models, so I can't even access it myself!). Later, I had the opportunity to visit Adrianne's richly woven web work, "The Electronic Chronicles" via the fancy T-1 set-up she has at her apartment in Manhattan. I also had the pleasure of meeting a number of people involved in BLAST (including Adrianne).

February 29 (LEAPING!) 1996

I've just finished a 24-hour internet collaboration project/performance (website removed from server) while I was a visiting artist at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.

January 27 1996

I just got a Web site on line on the USA.NET server. Right now there is only a portfolio of personal work that I am using for job applications. There is also a set of works by former students of mine in Ice Land.

I've just been adding more navigation buttons and re-did noun, unfortunately, I am doing this work piecemeal because of the lousy (and expensive) connection I have from Arizona to the server in Iceland. And that server can decide at any minute to bag my project as I am not living up there at the moment... Would like to have the opportunity to do work on a local server, but no such luck right now...

January 18 1996

I have added some buttons here and there, this one takes you HOME! Home And I am continually cleaning things up like the Welcome page and so on. Still hoping to add a major new work, but where is the time?

December 20 1995

A new page of recent portraits done in the last year of travel in the US and Europe. And I cleaned up the links page, adding a number of sites here and there. I also have posted a small unofficial site for the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts until the Official Site is unveiled sometime in 1996(?).

December 3 1995

A new basic list of links to personal Web sites that I know of...

November 23 1995

While I have been in Iceland during the past two months, I helped arrange a InterNet Project with colleagues Jim Johnson (CU-Boulder), Steve Bradley (UMBC), and Paul Rutkovsky (FSU). We involved students that we were teaching at the three schools and also from the College of Art here in a week long project.

You will also notice the "DAY WITHOUT ART" image staring you in the face on the Welcome page. This is a linking project for AIDS awareness and remembrance of those who have been taken by this disease. Check it out. December 1st 1995 will be the seventh annual Day Without Art.

November 11 1995

I removed the body of work "Partners" from the site and finally got the film developed and scanned in with the shot of Jon and Ed of OTiS/SiTO fame) in Montreal at the ISEA 95 gig. We were on our way to lunch and got there too early to be served. So we sat in the bar for an hour before realizing they were letting folks in through the back door to eat without us knowing... Then it poured rain on the way back to hotel. Needless to say, the next lecture was STEAMY!

I also added a page of links about Iceland, for your information.

November 4 1995

To augment your experience at the center of the Universe, I have prepared the first of a series of short excursions into the Place (and its resonating counter-Places) starting with Oracle, a subset of the center.

October 24 1995

I just got back from a stimulating few days in Helsinki at the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Art and Information Technology which took place at the Nordic center for Contemporary Arts on the old island-fortress of Suomenlinna. There were a lot of interesting contacts and dialogues which began. Some of the basic ideas of networking that were discussed have been brought into action through many new additions to the links page and through a comprehensive database established during the conference by MUU organizer Tapio Mäkela.

October 7 1995

I cleaned up and added thumbnails to the Apotek Portraits page, and the Portraits from Iceland page and the Light on Water page. I think this makes it easier to choose images to look at closely... I will be doing similar work in the next weeks as well as extending the range of those and other pages both in terms of images and text for your surfing pleasure...

September 30 1995

ISEA 96 will be held in Rotterdam and promises to be an interesting get-together, returning to the Dutch roots as it were.

Lots of new things after ISEA 95 in Montréal!

Bonnie Mitchell ran the ChainReaction project out of the CyberPort of the symposium...

It was good seeing Ed Stasny and Jon Van Oast of OTiS fame. We had some meals together, caught some of the exhibitions surrounding the symposium, and habituated the CyberPort. It was great finding out more about the inside of OTiS and all the work the our beloved Ed does (OTiSians all know this anyway), and some interesting stuff about Jon's Web work. I admire these guys immensely. They hacked away all week at the newest OTiS project MONGOCOSM... Check it out! And they are implementing an enormous globe-encompassing plan to totally revamp OTiS via EGADS (Electronic Global Art Databasing System). WOW! Can't wait to see that dOOds! Yeah, it was a good opportunity to ask all kinds of questions about the higher levels of coding/hacking work that both of them are adept at -- I learned a lot. Soon I will develop and post a picture of the two of them at the site of a major crack in the earths surface right there in the middle of Montreal...

August 27 1995

A couple media articles, one on ISEA 94, and the other about developing an Electronic Media program at the Icelandic Academy of Art. I have made links back to the Welcome page at the bottom of each page for your browsing convenience as well as correcting and extending some texts. I also experimented with a single audio file from an archive of sound bites of my son Loki.

August 10 1995

I had wanted to make some kind of documentary section to my Web Space detailing my current three-month travel in the US, but access to the Internet has been spotty, and right now I have just gotten access through Internet Express, a small service that has around 5000 clients and serves Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.

I added a few new postcards on the postcard page.

I made a page that lists some current networking projects.

dinner conversations, digital fragments from an ongoing audio project of dinner recordings will be featured here as soon as I have the chance to get some transferred to digital...

June 10 1995

this particular page has become a reality for better or worse.

September 10 1994

the neoscenes web space gathers its first hits -- don't remember exactly when I first uploaded some pages -- and no archive of that time either -- pity, didn't have enough memory then! ;-0 ooooooooo
they say:
updated: 23-May-2016 23:21
©1975-2023 :: hopkins/neoscenes