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Log file opened at: 24.05.01 11:38:20
#expand: jaceee @ChanServ Dole @mkk
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +tn
*** Channel created at Thursday, May 24, 2001 09:33:52
jaceee: howdy!
*** Dole is (.)
*** Dole is on channels #expand @#twisted_prophecy #popup_playground @#Beginner @#coconut_milk
*** Dole is on IRC via server (Aye Net's own New Net server)
*** PING delay for mkk: 1 seconds
*** mkk is ~mkk@ (mkk)
*** mkk is on channels #Beginner @#expand
*** mkk is on IRC via server (Eskimo North -- Seattle, WA USA)
*** mkk has been idle for 3 seconds
*** mkk signed on at Thursday, May 24, 2001 09:14:41
mkk: hola!!
*** I'm sorry, you seem to be missing your petty tyrant hat today.
mkk: how are you today?
jaceee: huh?
jaceee: I always lose hats...
mkk: what
jaceee: *** I'm sorry, you seem to be missing your petty tyrant hat today.
jaceee: I got this message
mkk: yes, I got it, too before, trying to change ops etc
jaceee: Ahah
jaceee: Oh, can you op me?
*** Mode change "+o jaceee" on #expand by mkk
jaceee: I was changing the topic
jaceee: w/o oped
mkk: I tried , too
*** jaceee has set the topic on channel #expand to exapnd your .... whatever
jaceee: there
jaceee: should work --
mkk: hey, whatever
jaceee: hey, so you will be operator?
jaceee: the chanserv will "bless" you?
mkk: well, okay for me
jaceee: are you at school?
mkk: nope, working like a dog again
jaceee: there is a LONG delay -- since we are both on eskimo
jaceee: I thot today is a national holiday?
mkk: hmm
jaceee: not for new media people?
jaceee: I was thinking of going to heaven...
mkk: yes, it is, but I'm not going to be working tommorrow
jaceee: right
*** PING delay for mkk: 0 seconds
mkk: heave?
mkk: heaven?
jaceee: yeah, it's himmelfahrt!
mkk: who wants to be happy for eternity?
jaceee: no, just today
mkk: ah, yes, crazy germans
jaceee: well, okay, I have to head to school to pack some things
jaceee: have any idea whether swimming pools would be open today?
mkk: maybe see u there
jaceee: okay
mkk: I try to come as soon as possible
*** jaceee has set the topic on channel #expand to expand your .... whatever
mkk: hmm, let's check the Internetsku
mkk: do you usually go to the Mäkelänrinne?
jaceee: either that or the stadion place
*** newjah ( has joined channel #expand
*** Mode change "+o newjah" on #expand by jaceee
newjah: thx
jaceee: hey dude...
newjah: just dropped a mail to u
newjah: jacee
jaceee: oh yeah?
jaceee: ill check
newjah: about subscribing to neoscenes list
jaceee: got it...
newjah: =)
newjah: mkk here?
mkk: jacee, can't find the times, I guess they are closed, at least the whole city was
mkk: hola, nuujaah
newjah: hola mkk =)
newjah: (hola???)
jaceee: done
mkk: did you go to the party yesterday?
newjah: me? no
jaceee: okay, I fugured they'd be closed
jaceee: party?
jaceee: what party?
newjah: lotta had one ..
mkk: yesterday Lotta had a party
newjah: in espoo
jaceee: oh yeah
mkk: way out
jaceee: right
newjah: far out
jaceee: well, hey, I'm gonna head to that Lab place to pack some things up... see you this evening!
mkk: CU, jacee
newjah: ok
newjah: cu
jaceee: ciao
Log file closed at: 24.05.01 11:51:15

Log file opened at: 25.05.01 16:08:21

*** Topic for #expand: Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)
*** Topic for #expand set by ChanServ on Thursday, May 24, 2001 13:55:38
#expand: jaceee @Londo @gkar @JussiN @ChanServ
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +tn
*** Channel created at Thursday, May 24, 2001 09:33:52
jaceee: hey folks!
*** Londo has set the topic on channel #expand to - expand 25052001 - meteori cafe, helsinki - get yourself together
*** ChanServ has set the topic on channel #expand to Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)
Londo: ei väkisin :)
Londo: hiton newnetti
*** triky ( has joined channel #expand
[] *** Current local users: 236 Max: 245
[] *** Current global users: 4990 Max: 5760
JussiN: hmm..
[] *** Notify List: myfriends
*** barbuster ( has joined channel #expand
triky: onko mika täällä?
*** barbuster has left channel #expand
*** Signoff: gkar (Quit: )
*** mediaspac ( has joined channel #expand
*** mediaspac is now known as [
*** [ is now known as aisikl
jaceee: Peter!
jaceee: hey!
aisikl: john!!
aisikl: good to hear you!!!!
jaceee: you are STILL on a Brussels2000 server?
aisikl: it worked!
jaceee: likewise!
jaceee: cool!
aisikl: oh yes, connect thruy telnet
jaceee: excellent
jaceee: you are at home?
jaceee: ouch, there seems to be a delay...
jaceee: I about to head down to the venue
jaceee: the telnet /irc interface is a little tricky, eh?
Log file closed at: 25.05.01 16:49:31

Session Start: Fri May 25 17:41:23 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
Lilith hey
Session Close: Fri May 25 17:42:11 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 17:46:21 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
mkk faugh! back!
aisikl hehe (i'm having big big deja vues here)
mkk too much happening here, and Ihave to use one of those split keyboards
aisikl split?
mkk but the vibes are good here, that's nice
mkk you know, ergonomic+?
aisikl no stress?
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 17:47:52 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 17:48:17 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
Lilith oh hell, this machine
Lilith is giving me a headache already
aisikl hehe
aisikl john?
Lilith yeh
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 17:49:35 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 17:49:53 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
mkk this machine
mkk is making me nutz
aisikl oh my god
mkk I have to go help with some prep..
aisikl okay,
aisikl later
mkk be sure to tune in the stream -- the first musician is great
aisikl ok
mkk but, check in from time to time, okay?
mkk i'll look for you
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 18:07:05 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 18:09:59 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 18:11:48 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 18:12:45 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
mkk back again, in another incarnation
aisikl don't give up, john ;-)
mkk okay...
aisikl hehe
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 23:12:48 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 23:12:53 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
eexpert it's all on logfile too
trashconn no
eexpert hey mkk
jarip actually that's not mkk
eexpert yep[
alt0164 thanx _hh. thatsa gut
eexpert jep
trashconn mkk says: hh
alt0164 no log!
trashconn nice
eexpert hh is it puttin you in a groove?
expand_hh hey mkk
eexpert ALL LOG
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Fri May 25 23:14:19 2001

Session Start: Fri May 25 23:14:23 2001
*** Now talking in #expand
*** Topic is 'Expand 25.5.2001 19 - 01 (GMT+3)'
*** Set by ChanServ on Fri May 25 16:10:47
alt0164 0
eexpert gggggrerrrreatr
eexpert ggggrrrreeeaaaaat!
trashconn excitin'
trashconn 8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8)8):Q
eexpert hey cipher -- what's up?
trashconn i#m not
eexpert slaxo
eexpert finally showed up
eexpert what about the stream Mindaugas... I am looking at the schedule now
eexpert I think the schedule is a but fucked
trashconn 0----00----00----00----00----00----00----00----00----00----00----00-
trashconn //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ _ _ _ _ _ _
*** trashconn has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
eexpert bass lines
alt0164 stream is on
eexpert flooding
alt0164 1,5 hours already
eexpert okay, after aleksi is done, we could switch, though I am not dealing with this
eexpert We were pulling it for awhile back,
eexpert between sets here
eexpert I think
eexpert it's very confusing
eexpert though
eexpert between live and stream
eexpert here
*** trashconn has joined #expand
trashconn i#m with you friends
eexpert you flooded, and newnet boots flooders...
trashconn alive
eexpert good!
*** shawn has joined #expand
trashconn better
eexpert hey shawn
trashconn snowing here
shawn hei
shawn 25 degrees here
trashconn heiiiiii
trashconn no way
shawn sunny like summer
trashconn wow
trashconn have you bin shawn?
alt0164 [000025] n. m s c.ll 1.931n d41- if - - i -0 e - 0 e
alt0164 01 - 1 ows - oi i| |e e-s .1 v- oi i| io ewo
alt0164 11011
alt0164 . . . . . . .
alt0164 . . . . . . .
alt0164 . . . . 101
alt0164 . . . . 111
alt0164 1010 0 0 1. 1010 0 0 1
alt0164 010 0 0. 010 0 0
alt0164 1 0 0 0101 . 1010 0 01
alt0164 t n. m s c.ll b. n d . . . .
alt0164 . . . . . . .
alt0164 1 0 0 0101 .0 0 01 0 .19.490498714149e+16
alt0164 010 0 0. 1 0 0 0101 .13.04819814239939e+16
alt0164 0 0 010 01 0 0 0
alt0164 t n. m s c.ll b. n d .t n. m s c.ll b. n d . 1010 0 01
alt0164 $$11 0 | 0 %// %/ / / % ! ()!
eexpert yer gonna get booted, they have heavy flood controllers...
eexpert ;-)
eexpert next is tab8000 in a few minutes
eexpert are you on the stream shawn?
expand_hh beamer runs...
*** _stdthru has joined #expand
eexpert alright
alt0164 connecting
alt0164 to shawn
alt0164 does it run only with winamp?
_stdthru riga going political
eexpert no real also...
*** rockers has joined #expand
eexpert hey
alt0164 1 machine probably has some bugs..
alt0164 trying another
eexpert oaky
_stdthru anybody 'master-mixing' the streams ?
eexpert hh we are tuning you in now...
eexpert you are driving the party...
shawn my stream will be up shortly
eexpert okay, I think there is one more live perf before we get you on Shawn
*** expand_hh has quit IRC (Read error to expand_hh[]: Connection reset by peer)
*** trashconn has quit IRC (Quit: )
eexpert whew, nice party happening here
eexpert I think I have to take a break from from the keyboard and have a drink
*** alt0164 has quit IRC (Quit: )
*** alt0164 has joined #expand
*** expand_hh has joined #expand
expand_hh and again...f....kin win 2000 boxes...
eexpert jep
rockers could you test this: pnm://
eexpert okay taking over john then
eexpert its mkk here
eexpert hi
eexpert how is rovaniemi
alt0164 seems to doesn't work
expand_hh hiho
alt0164 finally go shawn
alt0164 h-mkk
eexpert ah ok
eexpert hi hi
alt0164 meteori fans!
alt0164 fans!
shawn My stream seems to be up
alt0164 meteori!
alt0164 yeasssssssssss
eexpert oaky lets test
shawn When do I go on? Still at 00:00?
alt0164 did i see you, shawn?
eexpert hey when ever
eexpert i mean maybe even now
eexpert we had ozone in time table
eexpert but we seen or heard them
eexpert there u are
eexpert ossom
eexpert thats arts
alt0164 rulerzz - no!
alt0164 no - rulerzz!
eexpert what to you think shawn
eexpert do you want to be HERE now
shawn I need a few minutes to let my Mono/poly warm up :-)
eexpert ok
_stdthru may i ask wether any of the streams is considered to be your 'main stream' ?
shawn I'm sending multistream
eexpert yes the ones of the top of the page
shawn it's all the same
shawn I can send only one if that's better
_stdthru not really
eexpert mixed personalities
_stdthru and the one on ?
_stdthru is from hh only ?
eexpert shawn tell me when so we dont let tab to begin here
expand_hh whats with channelnet.t ?
expand_hh v
shawn give me about 10 minute
eexpert okay
shawn Is 20 minutes all you need still?
expand_hh all fine from here...
eexpert shawn its maybe okay to have even more if u want
shawn We'll see what happens
shawn I can do more if you need
eexpert but hey I just heard that rovaniemi ppl could to their thing
*** alej00 has quit IRC (Ping timeout for alej00[])
shawn keep me posted
alt0164 ping?
eexpert they have tech probs so maybe its better that they go first
rockers we're in shower right now
eexpert oh man
rockers wait a few sex
rockers sec
rockers :)
eexpert jep jep
jarip rockers, kuvailkaa kaikenlaista h‰rˆ‰ ett‰ saadaan juttuja sein‰lle
rockers alright t‰‰lt‰ tulee
*** expand_hh has quit IRC (Quit: )
rockers kohta
*** expand_hh has joined #expand
expand_hh oi
rockers did you see the nekkid guy
jarip rockers, on ollut menossa jo kotvan aikaa :)
expand_hh the nikked guy???
rockers naked
eexpert rock och rollll
*** alej00 has joined #expand
expand_hh yo fireworks in HH
eexpert my legs are shaking........................
expand_hh boooom
expand_hh bannnng
eexpert music
expand_hh nice colours...
eexpert wha wha
expand_hh ...and sound
rockers check out our live dancers!
eexpert greetings to mika
eexpert oops
shawn I'm ready whenever you need me
eexpert greetings to tommi kallisto
eexpert from tom/tom
eexpert vallisto
eexpert it was
*** Zzompp has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Zzompp[])
eexpert totally hoocee joo
eexpert love your tie
eexpert okay shawn
eexpert sorry a bit idling
eexpert hum
eexpert just listening the music
eexpert are u busy going somewhere shawn..
eexpert hih
eexpert rollo want to see more dancers
eexpert u can dance
shawn I was out of the room for a minute
eexpert ah okay
shawn when do I play?
eexpert just a secend
eexpert i mean rovaniemi is in our SPACE now
eexpert spaceship even
shawn ok
eexpert it takes some 15 minutes
eexpert ok?
eexpert I know that we have changed our timetables for sometimes
rockers when can 8bit start
eexpert when ever you want
eexpert u are HERE
eexpert we are streaming u into meteori at the moment
eexpert shawn is waiting
eexpert so stage is yours I might say
rockers 8bit comes into paly
rockers play
*** expand_hh has quit IRC (Ping timeout for expand_hh[])
shawn my encoding machine is rebooting again
*** Zzompp has joined #expand
*** alej00 has quit IRC (Ping timeout for alej00[])
rockers 8bit begins
rockers OK!
eexpert COOL
jarip 8bit, you might want to wait
rockers how long
rockers say when we start
jarip i think shawn is supposed to be up next(?)
rockers ok
jarip and at the moment we are streaming your VIDEO to the screen, but there is a live performance going
eexpert whatta fack
rockers wot
rockers meaning what
rockers whois playing
eexpert nobody tells me anything
rockers shaw
eexpert oh mine
shawn I'm back up
eexpert so shawn is there now
jarip tab8000 is on right now
eexpert mixing video with rovaniemi
eexpert ahaa
eexpert now got it!!!
rockers our soundcheck went great
jarip as shawn is in canada, he can't be here :)
shawn I'm not?
shawn :-)
jarip as far as i know :]
*** expand_hh has joined #expand
eexpert i dont know anything at the moment
*** eexpert has left #expand
jarip and shawn should be coming up right about now ..
*** eexpert has joined #expand
shawn ok
shawn I'll be there
eexpert okay now Isee u at the big screen
jarip whenever you're ready :)
shawn I'm up
rockers is mesq there
expand_hh steve mason comming soon....
jarip mesq is at the video mixer
rockers we have video clips for you to use
alt0164 whats goin' on
*** alej00 has joined #expand
rockers he knows the url
alt0164 does rovaniemi stream works?
rockers yep
shawn am I up?
shawn oh yeah ok
eexpert yeah
jarip yes, you're on the screen -- and on the speakers
shawn cool
shawn here I go
alt0164 rocker - could you post the real url to your stream?
rockers nothing much to see there yet
alt0164 anyway, i can't connect...
rockers mesq!?!?!?!?!?!?
alt0164 ??
eexpert helloo newjah online
eexpert christopher yuo're on Air
expand_hh yes we are
expand_hh christopher is djin¥
alt0164 ok
eexpert on air in meteori, helsinki
eexpert i mean
expand_hh kwl
*** _stdthru has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
alt0164 whois
eexpert shawn they switched streams ..
eexpert later more
alt0164 alt0164 will never quit the chat
*** mesque has joined #expand
eexpert mesquee
rockers is mesquee there
rockers mesqi aka mesq
mesque yeah.. da real thing
rockers onko sulla se urli
*** jjay has joined #expand
rockers medialle
eexpert no it's shawn again.. it's a mix
mesque on on
eexpert keep streamin, fellas :)
jjay hi there
rockers we are, i hope?
eexpert rockerz up in 5 minutes, just heard 'em say
*** alt0164 has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
rockers does our video stream there?
*** alt0164 has joined #expand
alt0164 [000059] !-! %np- % pjp- % pj- p mt-10-0- f-%- ozi|| -4.75 e i %
alt0164 01 % i e 57.4- ||izo -%-f -0-01-tm p -jp % -pjp % -pn% !-!
alt0164 10000
alt0164 .
alt0164 .
alt0164 . 000
alt0164 . 011
alt0164 0101 0 10 101 0. 0101 0 10 101 0
alt0164 1 1 101 01.1 1 101 01
alt0164 010 101 0101 0. 0101 0 10 1010
alt0164 .
alt0164 .
alt0164 010 101 0101 0.1 0101 1 1.08.07322632521391e+17
alt0164 1 1 101 01. 010 101 0101 0.01.3797631373422e+17
alt0164 0101 0 1 0 0 1 0101 0
alt0164 .. 0101 0 10 1010
alt0164 $$11 0 | 0 %// %/ / / % ! ()!
eexpert rock, what should we see?
rockers am, a table now?
eexpert a lamp on it?
rockers yup
rockers video is on the way
alt0164 seams there is no sound in meteori, or?
alt0164 yeahh, got it
rockers gotta change the reel
eexpert 8bit starting..
rockers is 8bit goin on in minutes?
alt0164 whois playin'
eexpert just go go go
shawn I'm almost done
shawn unless you need more
rockers 8bits gonna hit the floor
shawn ok
jarip we are waiting 8bit
rockers we start from silence
rockers ok
rockers ??
jarip ok. go now
jarip stop boozing and play some music :)
rockers playing
eexpert oookayy now /me hears 8bit
jarip we hear you
rockers grrrreit
eexpert keewwl
rockers levels goog
rockers good
eexpert hi this is mkk again
eexpert just to tell to 8bit that pls end your set some at least minutes before one
eexpert these bar ppl are getting annoyed
eexpert u know
eexpert valomerkki and soso
rockers ok
eexpert shawn thank you!
shawn thanks!
rockers is our other videostuff playing in meteori
jarip yes
eexpert yeah
eexpert for sure
eexpert nice tie again
*** jjay has quit IRC (Ping timeout for jjay[])
eexpert hei nyt kuulin etta voi soittaa vaan 15 min vaille yks
eexpert so sorry
eexpert pain in the ass
eexpert but thats the LAW
rockers laws are meant to be broken
rockers IM The LAW
eexpert yeah i know
rockers I RULE"
eexpert keep on streaming man
rockers 8 bit get wild
alt0164 whois expert?
rockers roadies get in to play
rockers he is an expert
eexpert now mkk
alt0164 o-ok
eexpert hum
eexpert hih
expand_hh ho
alt0164 did you try my stream mkk?
eexpert I think so..
alt0164 danka!
eexpert it was just a bit low quality
rockers is people drun in the
rockers drunk
eexpert to stream in a noisy bar
alt0164 ah ok
rockers pump up the volume
eexpert not me but I guess some...ooohhoohhh
eexpert but Im as high as u can get without chemicals
alt0164 meteory seams to be emtpy..
eexpert its getting closed
alt0164 25 minutes still left
eexpert so they kick us out )
eexpert no we have to stop before one
rockers we kgonna still kick some booty
eexpert i know man
eexpert but we are streaming 8bit
eexpert so their room is empty
eexpert now that i look around
rockers 8BIT IN DA HOUSEE!!!!!
alt0164 thatsa things
eexpert yeah theres ppl
eexpert tapio wants to say a word
alt0164 in a mic?
*** jjay has joined #expand
eexpert Hallo Alejo, Shawn, r you around?
shawn You bet
shawn greetings!
eexpert canadian altitude?
rockers roi says hi to jjay
shawn How was it in the cafe?
eexpert alti, er, attitude?
rockers memoraid not in line
eexpert cafe was packed in terms of flesh and sound.
shawn about 1000m
shawn cool
eexpert Timing wise your tunes hit n
eexpert erves and nerve endings
alt0164 *** Friday:
alt0164 WMF, 23:00
alt0164 BUFFALO (parf¸m) GENEZARETH (parf¸m) FEZER-HOPF (parf¸m) djs: STANLEY
alt0164 IPKISS (parf¸m) FELIX DENK (de:bug) video/ slides: NOSHE & V…RO
alt0164 Tresor/Globus, 23:30
alt0164 Capital B. - Kriek (Berlin), Ste7 (Berlin) Hardcore Will Never Die!
alt0164 - Holgi Star & Friends going hardcore! (Timing, Bash Again! Berlin)
alt0164 Phonodrome Hamburg
alt0164 Steve Mason Nacht mit DJ Steve Mason, DJ MTK aka Martink, DJ Phly, DJ S.O`Neal
alt0164 Special - 21:00
alt0164 Live aus Hamburg: Sound by Flush The Rythm & The Fresh Girls -
alt0164 parallel streams: Rovaniemi/Stockholm/Baltimore/NYC/L.A./Sydney
alej00 halo tapio and all
shawn they probably neede dit
shawn it
eexpert hi alejo, how are you doing, and where?
expand_hh well informed alt
eexpert Medellin, Colombia?
expand_hh phonodrome should be on very soon
alej00 fine..wking a bit and enjoying home
alt0164 ??
eexpert been missing you
alt0164 yes yes
shawn Ivika says hi to all. I have her on another chat
alej00 yeap men medellin,, and bogota moving a lot inside the country
*** aisikl has joined #expand
alej00 playing frisbee tmorrow??
eexpert gtings back to ivika, s says hi to alejo, s, i
rockers ultimate
alej00 hi sussana!!
eexpert Alejo, sure, me and John, depends if it is winter in this damn icebergian country...
jarip 8bit: you have 5 min time left
rockers we keep on playing
rockers fade us out when u dare
jarip We are ending here at 0:45
jarip Ok
rockers or want:)
alej00 im in the hockey again..
eexpert Medellin, Alejo, your altitude must beat us all...
aisikl hi! is john around?
alej00 1490 bogota is at 2600m
eexpert hockey, eh, was up alejo??
eexpert hrey peter, this is john now..
eexpert hey
eexpert have you been catching the streams?
aisikl hey hey
eexpert we have a hell of a party tonite...
aisikl i just got in -- the concert was later that i thought
eexpert a REAL cafe9
alt0164 elvi is playin'
rockers we had just an unwanted visitor
aisikl the stream quality is absolutely amazing
rockers a complainor
eexpert well, we will archive the mix..
aisikl really?
eexpert fuckin excelent time
eexpert the party is still going, but we have to shut down in 15 min
aisikl big bummer that i couldn't see more
rockers neighbors just came to complain the loudness
aisikl i just saw terre thaemkitz in concert
eexpert right now there is a stream coing in from North FInland
expand_hh we have a little party here,but nice stream ...
expand_hh i mean not like the others
jarip we will stop in a second
aisikl and this was all set up by your students, john?
expand_hh why stop, we just start...
eexpert well, it has been an incredible time here
aisikl waaw: true networking going here ;-)
eexpert yes, I can proudly say, *my* students
aisikl my compliments, sir ;-)
eexpert yep
aisikl hell yes
eexpert thanks, blush
jarip ahem :)
aisikl hehe
expand_hh nett the network
shawn cheers to your students!
eexpert jep
expand_hh prost !
eexpert Kiittos!
shawn !!
expand_hh i
mesque cafe metori thanks everybody!!!!
mesque good night world :)
eexpert likewise
aisikl are those the same people i saw last november during the infamous cafe9 evaluation?
eexpert !
shawn I've had a wicked time!
expand_hh keeeep on goiiiiiin man
eexpert excellent
shawn anytime, count me in!
eexpert lights have come up
rockers WE thank rovaniemi still keep goin
eexpert now we have to clean up...
rockers sorry about that
aisikl wasn't it supposed to go on until 01:00 cet?
expand_hh all off or what?
rockers we will change our chat person
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mesque farewell rovaniemi, keep on rockin'
rockers rovaniemi rok city
shawn It's still rockin'
aisikl damned! you even closed the stream ;-(
alt0164 tnx-x-x
rockers if anyone wants to listen the 8bit set tune in to :
mesque bye bye
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expand_hh what what what ?
aisikl it asks me for a username and password
jjay pnm:// actually
rockers keeps the beat alive!
eexpert okay folks
eexpert were cleaning up...
aisikl okay, connected
eexpert net the net, as hh said
eexpert I think you can catch the other streams independent from the connect page
eexpert if they are still streaming
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aisikl yep, still watching
alt0164 lotsa ppl r streaming
shawn I'm still streaming some music
rockers 8bit also
eexpert okay, cool.
eexpert whew, I'm tired now.
aisikl :)
aisikl bummer we couldn't talk up on things, john
eexpert well
eexpert I will be around on the net
eexpert less, but still around
eexpert during the summer
eexpert I herad to the desert in a week
eexpert NYC first
eexpert then the desert
eexpert to RECHARGE
aisikl sounds great
eexpert hey, I need to shut this machine down for a minute
aisikl ok
expand_hh go for it
eexpert okay, later!
shawn ciao
expand_hh be back !
eexpert talk to you in other forms
rockers see ya
eexpert more later
eexpert cheers
eexpert jh
alt0164 cheerzz
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alt0164 ales gute!
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alt0164 okay!
rockers jaden tags so shnell!
rockers jeden
jjay ja ja!
expand_hh ihr seid ja gutdabei jungs..
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shawn I'm outta here all, thanks a lot. It was all great!
expand_hh who keeps on streaming ??
slaxo 7quit
rockers 8bit
alt0164 me
alt0164 che-che
slaxo 7QUIT
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat May 26 01:09:08 2001
updated: 09-May-2007 20:09
©1975-2023 :: hopkins/neoscenes