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various art work titles

object sketch, 1994
there are direct popup windows for many of these works or documentation pages, depending on the scope of the work. included are a wide range of objects from photographic installations to handmade books to collage to video and sonic works, performances, drawings, and found assemblages. enjoy!

indeterminacy: fragments
crossing the Yampa
the box
neoscenes dreaming
di-fusion 2002
di-fusion 2003
neoscenes occupation
waking up in finland
loki and iceland
memory of three infinite half-spaces
mama, where are you going?
arT - Cut off my Head - Tar
Looking into the Future
Unbombable Abomination
Ikon of the Open Mouth (gasping)
Portrait: Girl Playing, Boy Playing
Milk Cartons of the World
the Power to Have - the Power to Hold
Hipnotik State Induktor
Mote in God's Eye
I can - Icon - I.Kant - I Can't!
Manifestations of Babylon Forgotten
Manifestations of Other
Solstice I, II, and III
Hand over Hell
Possible Expression of Equilibrium
Ice Land: Black Border #I, II, III, IV, V, VI, & VII
Dreams of St. Ursula
Partners: A Tragicomedy in 33 Parts
Book of Hours
Noun: A Naming
Memento Mori
Electric God Dog
Silence at the center of the Universe
The Being of Saint Ursula
Seen Through a Tunnel(vision) (Part I & II)
Dreams of Eden
The Rennaisance Man
the book of one thousand Buddhas
DiaElectric generator (kids watching for the Volcano to erupt)
Linguistic Realistic Foray
Aspects of Space:Place defined Holy by Light under Dreams from the center of the Universe
Three Coincident States of Awareness
Progression of Circular Scenes (sending:receiving) Full-filled by Dreams from The center of the Universe (exhibited as "Newton at the center of the Universe" or "Newtons Dreams from the center of the Universe")
Object Engenders Response
A Dividing Line 'tween Shore and Sea
Climbing a Mountain and encountering Life
Ruminations from the Belly of the Beast
Domination of Landscape
Portraits from Amurika
Tribute to LeClezio
Apocalyptic Dream
Experiments in Meaning
Further Experiments in Meaning
The Revolution will not be Televised, the Television will not be Revolutionised
Hohëpunkte All Dream Beginning
Dances of Recognition
Joshua and the Wall
A Single Man contemplating the Brightness of Babylon's Mouthpiece
Antithesis: Dialogue
Is Anything and Everything Considered Art?
A Ballad of Willy and Andy
Book of Masks, vols. I & II
Approaching the center of the Universe
Twelve Apostles
Hope against Hope
Hope against Desire
Meat Puppets on Parade
National Dead People
Waiting for the F-16's
Movement at the center of the Universe
A Volcanic Chasm opens in the sky over a Small Community in Colombia
Major (or was it General?) Bummer and the Amurikan Gothic
The Night about to Break
Azimuth: Degrees of Perception
A Simulation of the Light of Van Gogh's Madness
Landscape (Budir) crossed by two objects {A Dead Raven (Olafsvík), and Two Large Stones (Dritvík)}
Fealty to the President: The White House
Apo Kalupsis (Dream): Removing the Veil from the Eyes, in Three Parts: Aspects of Carnal, Intellectual, and Spiritual Life
Two Landscapes: One Consequent, with People (Isola Stromboli) and the other Bisected, Inconsequent (topeka, Kansas). These two are back-to-back with Light Composition #11:11
The Curiosity of the Object: observation creation annihilation: With a Number of Choices
From the center of the Universe to Babylon (for Stan Brakhage)
Totem: grace Dream memory sketch #1, 2, 3, 4
Seven Scenes for an Apocalyptic Vision
Transformation: Light = Life
A Series of Five Objects Involving the Number Three
Stone Game Word
A Photographic Triptych of a Sculpture Garden in a Roadside Rest Area on Interstate Highway 80, somewhere in Nebraska, USA.
Description of Objects: Anticipation
Word:Image, after Thomas Mann
A Dream Book Volume II
La Folie inséminate l'Ouest
still small voice
Between Rocks and Hard Places
Where Spirit moves before Flesh
Can a Priest imagine the Sacrifice?
Constellations for the Confucian Order
Entering a tunnel from both directions
A Dialogue of Light
Prayers for Naming
Only on the Surface of Things
Something under the Sun
Three Possible Saints
The Possibility of Child
From the center. Out

©1975-2023 :: hopkins/neoscenes