eight dialogues:
dialogue 7 with Willa Cline, March 19 1997
Session Start: Wed Mar 19 11:31:25 1997
*** Now talking in #PORT
*** jacee changes topic to "+t Eight Dialogues/PORT MIT with Willa Cline"
jacee: There you have it.
-> [irc2.mit.edu] ping
*** willa (willa@netlink156.uit.net) has joined #port
*** jacee sets mode: +nt
jacee: Good afternoon!
jacee: the grandfather clock was just striking
jacee: twelve
willa: hi, how are you?
jacee: fine, and you?
jacee: slacking today?
willa: my clock says 1:00
willa: Good.
jacee: I wonder if PORT will join us...
willa: uh huh. Slept late, had lunch, that's it so far.
jacee: they are usually up by now
willa: What happened last time,
jacee: so, here we are, finally...
willa: did they ever come back on?
jacee: Well, they got on-line late and got wiped off...
jacee: I didn't ask Remo what happened
willa: I guess I'm on the same channel you are, the ais one?
willa: Does that make a difference?
jacee: Right -- although I did a little research, and it seems the EFnet today is working on a fair number of servers
jacee: but that can change in a moment
jacee: It is best to be on the same server if at all possible
jacee: AIS has opened up their server to any connection almost
willa: I tried earlier this morning and it was full, so I worried.
jacee: which is cool
jacee: really
willa: So how are things going with you? Are you working a lot?
jacee: That is the problem with an open one like this -- jammed with all the folks who can't get on elsewhere like me
willa: I can't either, some of them say "not authorized"
jacee: Busting ass... Preparing prints (photographs), working on my book dummy, got my neg scanner back yesterday, preparing to hit the road in three weeks
willa: I'm excited about the book! How far along are you?
jacee: A little overwhelming, but the juices are flowing
jacee: Well, I have a 50 page dummy which I did in Quark
jacee: I'm NOT a designer, though, I will get a friend who used to work with Martha Stewart to do a real design
willa: Martha Stewart? :)
willa: That can only be a good thing.
jacee: I have to continue scanning in possible images and do sketch layouts and work on the epilogue
jacee: text-wise, it's a minimalist thing -- George doing the intro
willa: Oh, great (George)!
willa: Do you have a publisher?
jacee: I've been spending time at Kinkos printing copies
jacee: No, no publisher, I am making the dummies for sending out to a few packagers...
willa: You shouldn't have a problem. Didn't you say photography is big
willa: right now?
jacee: But I think it is publishable -- it will be hell doing the exhibition printing for it, though
willa: What does that mean? Do you have to do the printing?
jacee: yes, right... It seems to be making a come-back in terms of print sales (so I hear from friends in the Biz in NYC
jacee: Oh yes, the printing -- in the darkroom -- is the crux of the project -- that is where the images are crafted from the negs
willa: But you have to do them from scratch (again) for the book?
jacee: That is what Ansel Adams called "the symphony performance" and the negative is the Score
jacee: Definitely, I produce the prints, and then they will be digitally scanned as printed at the publishers
jacee: simply scanning a negative direct in misses that step of creation
willa: How many do you anticipate using?
jacee: and I also do sepia or mild warm toning, so it will be printed (the book) in tri-tone
jacee: probably about 2-300 images
willa: The small sepia prints you mentioned sound interesting.
willa: A lot of work.
jacee: there are page layouts with up to nine small images, or as few as one large image, all in the uncropped 35mm format
jacee: Yup... It will take about one month of concentrated effort to finish
willa: Any specific topic?
jacee: The title is Light of Movement Light of Place Light of Being, but I may shorten it to Light of Being
jacee: images of what I am doing, who I am with, and where I am from the past 10-12 years of movement
willa: Very nice. You've been a lot of places.
jacee: it's a blur... and editing the 20000 images is a trip
willa: And going again . . .
jacee: rollin stone
willa: Overwhelming.
jacee: have you erad Bruce Chatwin?
jacee: read, that is
willa: No, I don't think so. ?
jacee: really! I'm surprised -- I think you might like him, a travelogue
jacee: was an expert for Sotheby's in London in some obscure art form, then split and traveled for about ten years before dying young of some rare disease
willa: Sounds interesting, I'll have to look him up. Recent?
jacee: yes, recent, he dies in the late 70's? maybe even 80's
jacee: so how's work on the web site
willa: What made you think of him? A rolling stone, like you?
willa: Fine. Still writing every night. Gives me discipline, I guess.
jacee: yes, he was a mover, and a superb writer (unlike me)
willa: Forces me to write whether the muse is there or not.
jacee: What is the measure of feed back lately?
willa: I like the way you write, though. Very evocative of place.
willa: Still *very* low.
willa: 112 people on the mailing list, more than that read it every day,
willa: maybe 2 or 3 give me feedback on a particular column
jacee: Yeah, that is not bad, though, really
jacee: Quality, not qunatity anyway
willa: Seems strange, but I guess that's the medium
willa: You think?
jacee: quantity
jacee: oh definitely
willa: Oh, yes, quality is more important certainly.
willa: So many just surfing by . . .
jacee: I may start again when I hit the road next month
willa: I miss your travelog
willa: Oh, synchronicity!
jacee: well, surfers... I guess the fates cover that...
jacee: but, hey, that's how we came into contact...
jacee: so...
willa: I would think it would help you focus and remember when you're traveling so much
willa: That's true.
jacee: I don't miss the travelog in most ways --
willa: I would never met you if not for the web, and George
jacee: as I have little 'going on' except for the struggle to make cash to head out...
willa: Was it (the travelog) a burden to do?
willa: Still, the chronicling of a life has value, I think.
jacee: not a burden when traveling, I have time when traveling, but here, now, I am stressed about getting work done and planning the travel
willa: People tell me that, anyway.
jacee: definitely, the reflexive value and the value to others
jacee: (hey, I am going to jump over to email and pop one off to Remo, okay?) be right back
willa: Yes, you have to concentrate on working now.
jacee: uno momento
willa: Okay. I'll be here.
jacee: sorry, I think it went out -- I hate Microsoft Exchange...
*** nomini (murph@port_3.media.mit.edu) has joined #port
jacee: speak of the devil!
jacee: I just sent you folks an email...
willa: Is that you use for mail? Oh, there they are!
jacee: no, just on my dad's machine... I'm using MIRC on his clone
nomini: I found you....
nomini: this is remo
jacee: Hi Remo -- you met Willa from before, no? Maybe not, this is
Willa Cline
willa: Hi, Remo, I think we met before.
willa: You're not using the laptop?
jacee: Willa, this is Remo, he's one of the/ the / curators for PORT
*** PORT2 (murph@port_1.media.mit.edu) has joined #port
jacee: no, I'm in front of a Packard Bell...
jacee: although I have my Mac here next to me just in case!
willa: A *real* computer. I have the laptop on, as Dave Barry would say, my actual lap.
jacee: sitting in the sun?
We don't use the word curator here....
willa: No, but looking out the window.
jacee: Oops.. sorry
willa: *At* the sun.
jacee: facilitator
jacee: Have you seen the comet?
PORT2: right....
PORT2: we are modest....
willa: No, I keep forgetting to look. Have you? I assume you've had the
willa: telescope out. Can you get far enough away from the lights?
jacee: oh yes, it is something to LOOK at
jacee: we are in the country here, about ten miles out from town, so it gets quite dark
willa: I don't know if I could see it here or not, but I should make the effort.
jacee: on a clear night without doubt, it is very large and very bright
willa: I love that. That's why I love the ocean--looking out at nothing. Soothing.
willa: Does it move as you watch?
jacee: if you hold your hand out, and hold your thumb and forefinger about two inches apart, it's that long
jacee: no, although it looks like it is moving
jacee: from night to night it does
willa: Wow, big! Do you mean it looks that large without the telescope?
jacee: yes, it's huge
jacee: I can see it w/o glasses on even
jacee: (well, my eyes aren't too bad...)
jacee: it has a power in the Light it is reflecting from the sun
willa: I'll have to look if tonight is clear.
*** [tee] (Terhi@pm3-1-18.dyn.icon.fi) has joined #port
jacee: all phenomena like that have it
jacee: a power in the essential nature of their Light
willa: Does it look so large (larger than a star) because it's close?
jacee: yes, and it has this tail of stuff coming from the head, like hair blowing in water
willa: no light of their own, but reflective
[tee] Hi jacee and U all, I'm Terhi
jacee: (hei hei Terhi)
jacee: I don't know the size, physically. of it, but the visual size is spectacular...
willa: Stuff?
jacee: Staring at the heavens is only therapeutic!
jacee: yeah, stuff, I dunno
jacee: junk
jacee: hair!
willa: You're intriguing me with it. Yes.
jacee: may as well personify it
jacee: her?
jacee: him?
jacee: are you right in town?
willa: Too early to lie in the grass and star up at the stars, at least here.
willa: What's it's name? Hale-Bopp? The Bopp comet. :)
willa: Her, I think.
jacee: yes, a strange name
willa: Yes. Suburban, but lots of lights.
jacee: take a drive... I remember some of the rest-stops on Interstate 70 west of there
willa: Lots of shopping centers.
willa: My husband, Bob, was Uncle Bop for a long time to one of my nieces.
jacee: nothing
jacee: so the comet is realted to him!
jacee: related
willa: Good idea. Maybe I will. I'm going out east to my parents' tonight
jacee: that is
willa: they live farther out than I do.
willa: Yes, he's claiming it as his own.
jacee: you have far-out parents
willa: Right. ;)
willa: Haven't seen them since Christmas.
jacee: What is the nature of your other net contacts (as a result of your site?)
willa: I'm a bad daughter.
jacee: you have many dialogues?
jacee: running parallel
jacee: conversation stopper...
willa: Actually, I would say only two or three *really* good dialogues going on,
jacee: uh-huh (good? what's that mean?)
willa: maybe a dozen less often.
willa: Two or three daily correspondents.
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jacee: do you find each forms into it's own distinctive styles?
jacee: style
willa: Good, well, close? Frequent? Close, I guess. Those that have really become friends.
willa: Absolutely.
willa: I love that. Getting such a sense of someone without ever actually meeting.
jacee: I find that a great thing about dialogues like that, how they develop a character
jacee: which carries the relationship in totally different directions
willa: Unexpected directions, sometimes.
jacee: I noticed this when an old friend cc'ed a copy of a letter he had written to his sister to me,
jacee: I was shocked/intrigued by the absolute difference in Voice he had!
willa: Difference, too, in style of writing for/to different people.
willa: That's funny, isn't it? Do we do that in our speaking voices as well, or
willa: just writing?
jacee: Usage of language defining, mediating this bipolar energy rotating through space
jacee: Writing makes it more apparent, I think
willa: More concentrated, maybe. Easier to identify.
jacee: although body language is a powerful corollary
jacee: easier to know written things, yes
willa: It's difficult sometimes writing to someone without any visual clues.
willa: Sometimes the urge to reach out and touch someone is very strong . . .
willa: in the course of a conversation
jacee: I know Joy has trouble with IRC -- she hates it, being a person who works the CUSeeMe networks
willa: I'm not sure about that, though. I've never tried it, maybe I'd like it. Have you?
jacee: Well, I have wondered how many of the people in Eight Dialogues I will see within the next year...
willa: Are you going to make an effort to?
jacee: Yes, it is strange, some with Joy, and the relationship takes an entirely different character... Like the visual
jacee: has some
jacee: uh
jacee: power, of course
jacee: Well, I was mapping it in my head
jacee: Alex will be in Pennsylvania, Lily and Terhi in Helsinki, I'll see them in a couple months,
jacee: If I drive west from NYC with my stuff in August... Hey, you're there on I-70
willa: You haven't met Alex, have you?
willa: Are you going to stop and see me??
jacee: No, Alex stumbled onto my web site last fall
willa: That would be fun.
willa: Stumbled. Like me.
jacee: I find all mediated contact to be problematic. I haven't had a real close friend or family member die yet
jacee: and separation is difficult,
jacee: or the will to be with friends is strong
jacee: new or old
*** murph (murph@murph.port.net) has left #port
jacee: sure, I'd love to stop... I should visit with Dan and Stephanie's families too.
willa: I'd like that.
jacee: to tell them what my interaction with the two of them was
willa: Have you spoken with them?
jacee: No, I have been speaking with my circle of friends from Grad School -- we are thinking of doing a web site about Dan and Stephanie
jacee: but no one makes the initiative yet...
jacee: I just remember them from time to time, wondering about it all
willa: I was wondering if you'd dropped the idea. Too painful.
jacee: Well, not painful, just life in the face
jacee: I don't find loss painful, just perplexing
willa: It always is.
willa: So many of your friends are so far removed, too, in a physical sense.
willa: So far away.
jacee: Well, maybe not even perplexing, maybe just so inscrutable and, yes, separation is so inherent in the way we live anyway
jacee: death is only a virtual extension of it
jacee: I find that to be the sweetest thing of travel, the reunions as well as the partings
willa: I suppose. The finality of it is scary.
jacee: I guess I don't measure finality
willa: I envy you your ease with people.
jacee: either I think myself immune (immortal?) or I am insensitive to that aspect
willa: Still immortal nearing forty? I guess we all feel that way.
jacee: well, that ease is on a certain level. a certain sphere
jacee: Well, despite my back problems... yes
willa: How is your back now? Good?
jacee: somehow immortality doesn't figure with death, or death is just another aspect of it
jacee: Back is okay. I was out gold-panning yesterday, that was intensive, stooping
jacee: a lot
willa: A different plane.
willa: Any luck?
jacee: I got a lot of magnetite (heavy magnetic black sand) which can point to gold
jacee: This a gold area still being worked in some places...
jacee: I thought I would try as there is a small wash that still had a water flow in it from the snow... so I could pan easily
willa: Have you found it before?
jacee: yes, very small amounts, not here, but in Alaska and Colorado...
jacee: I don't have the head for a miner
jacee: what's that song, "clementine"
willa: What kind of a head do you need? Hard?
jacee: you got to WANT GOLD
willa: Oh, you don't want it ENOUGH?
jacee: guess not
willa: Probably hard work for a small payoff.
jacee: that's why I am broke all the time, I never learned what to do with money
jacee: definitely hard work
willa: I know, me too. I'm very bad at that.
jacee: but not a bad thing to do on a whim on a bright sunny day at
70F/20C in the national forest here a short hike away
willa: Are you in good shape for traveling next month, everything set?
willa: Have you been walking? Swimming?
jacee: well, plenty of details yet to be arranged, the Big picture is sketched out, now to fill it in with details
jacee: Planes are pegged, then slower forms of transport. and down to sleeping places and so on
jacee: I am hiking 3-4 days a week and swimming 3 days
jacee: where are we here?
willa: It funnels down . . . Do you see Loki first?
jacee: where are you Willa?
willa: ?
jacee: I feel like I'm talking too much
willa: I'm here, am I gone there?
jacee: no, not gone, but I am having trouble seeing you
jacee: (for me getting in the way
willa: Oh, I see. You're not in the way.
willa: I'm here. I'm quiet, usually.
willa: I watch.
jacee: well, not in the way, but...
willa: I lurk.
willa: :)
jacee: gulp
jacee: deep breath
willa: Okay, me, too.
willa: I just opened the window, but it's too cold and I'll have to close it again.
willa: Is it nice there now? Spring?
jacee: hot. I watch the cactus begin to wake up, I think
jacee: what trees there are
willa: This has been a rough winter for me. I'll be glad for it to be over. If it ever is.
jacee: gee, waddya mean?
willa: Do you like the desert?
jacee: I love the desert
willa: Emotionally, mostly. I don't know. Some depression. SAD, I think, partly.
willa: I don't know if it would be different somewhere where the sun shines more.
jacee: that's a label for other things isn't it?
jacee: I thought that in Iceland
willa: Like?
jacee: sadness...
jacee: I suffered terribly in the winters, until the last one,
willa: Maybe an excuse.
jacee: and I had a different attitude and was fine after Dec 21st
willa: So what changed? How do you change your attitude?
willa: Force of will?
jacee: But, sun touches us
jacee: I guess I was enjoying life, and not letting stupid things get under my skin
jacee: yes, force of will. too
jacee: force of cosmos, maybe
jacee: the Sun
willa: I seem to be very volatile lately. Happy one moment, sad the next.
jacee: we are approaching the Equinox now
willa: I try to hold onto the happiness. But the sun *does* help.
jacee: balancing of extremes
willa: Isn't there an eclipse this weekend?
jacee: really? Lunar? Solar one last week in Siberia
willa: Partial lunar, I think. Sunday? The 23rd.
willa: They said it would make the comet easier to see.
jacee: I have the picture of old French ladies in a cathedral, praying five times a day, "keeping their eyes on The Son"
jacee: I would plan to see that, if I were you.
jacee: Enormous energies playing out FOR YOUR EYES ONLY
willa: That, too (The Son)>
willa: I will. I'll research it and be sure to look.
willa: MY EYES ONLY?
jacee: What you see is for your eyes only. No one shares your point of view
jacee: literally
willa: Interesting point.
willa: I'm always trying to remember that
jacee: and the cumulative impinging of Light energy on your body/eyes is YOURS ALONE
willa: everyone has a different point of view and
willa: sees things from their own perspective. That
willa: you can never know what is in someone else's heart . . .
jacee: it is a platitude with great meaning behind it
willa: It goes the other way, too, I guess.
willa: Yes.
jacee: unless looking deep into someone's eyes?
jacee: or so?
jacee: eye contact
willa: Yes, but that doesn't happen very often.
jacee: probably 'cause it's too intense for us
jacee: (like mediating through IRC)
jacee: the intensity is limited?
willa: I'm smiling at the monitor.
willa: You can't see me.
willa: But I feel your energy.
jacee: right
willa: Your intensity.
willa: But eye contact would be nice.
jacee: I have knitted brows
willa: Laughing now.
jacee: I am trying to measure who I am by sepaking to others, maybe not the best way to go
willa: Why are your brows knitted?
jacee: others measure themselves against the material world,
willa: No, you can't do that! Unless you choose the others very carefully.
jacee: concentrating on figuring out what this energy is, and what it is doing...
willa: Even then, everything is shaped by their perception. *You* know who you are.
willa: Easy to do, though. We worry too much about what others think, probably.
jacee: Yet, I haven't a clue why I would do a project like we are doing here
jacee: I find that in the Art World, this kind of action is as ALIEN as can be found, and looked upon as such
jacee: (present company excepted -- PORT)
jacee: What can we show others here?
*** willa has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** willa2 (willa@netlink172.uit.net) has joined #port
willa2: Hi, I'm back. I got disconnected.
jacee: Is it a question of content? of form? HICCUP
jacee: hi
jacee: deep breath
willa2: is "willa" still there? It said my nickname was already in use
willa2: Hi.
willa2: I missed you.
willa2: I'm on a different server now. The other one was full.
jacee: sometimes it has trouble with one's reverberations and alter egos in cyberspace...
willa2: I'm in Georgia, I think, this time.
willa2: Not fool proof, is it?
jacee: My last question was What can we show others here?
jacee: ...
jacee: nope
willa2: That you *can* have a dialogue
jacee: slower a bit, too
willa2: with someone you've never met?
willa2: Back to dyslexia
jacee: is that it? Isn't that rather mundane? Don't dialogues happen all the time?
willa2: Shall I try the other one again? Or stick with what's working, albeit slowly?
jacee: it's okay...
jacee: part of the medium
willa2: Well, what then? Meaningful dialogue at least? Or just human connection?
willa2: I didn't mean dialogue, but *dialogue*
jacee: Well, that's just it, what is it to strive for? Or to raise as Example
willa2: Really, how *do* you establish a connection through words only?
willa2: It happens, but why? How?
jacee: I always pictured that there was a fine silver wire passing from ones mouth to the ear of the Other
jacee: and vice versa
jacee: and yet there was a massive space all around in which there were unspoken things passing between
willa2: But I mean sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and
sometimes you just don't care
willa2: No sparks
jacee: the silver wire was language
jacee: only a small fraction of what passes between
jacee: the rest are myriad energies that I cannot name...
jacee: And yet I am compelled to invoke them or seek them out
jacee: sparks come from friction...
jacee: sloooooooowwwwwwwwwww southern connection, eh?
willa2: Right--
willa2: The unspoken is hard to hear in this kind of mediated contact
*** jacee sets mode: +i
*** jacee sets mode: +o willa2
willa2: Am I drawling?
jacee: yet we hear it, I guess, whisperings. written in words. Writing on the walls
jacee: y'all come back now
jacee: I guess it seems we lose fullness in our relationships in this age
willa2: It's a lot of effort to make meaningful contact
jacee: Attention (for lack of, my marriage failed...)
willa2: Whisperings. I like the silver wire analogy.
willa2: There's so much going on it sometimes seems like it's too much effort to
willa2: do what it takes to keep a friendship alive
willa2: Really? Is that what happened?
jacee: Are there other things to do rather than friendships? I know of hermits, but they will not tell me why they are that way
willa2: Well, I'm not a hermit, but
jacee: of course, we are said to be truly alone as spirit to face the world
willa2: I could be a recluse, perhaps.
jacee: uh-huh, recluse
willa2: I find I don't need a lot of people around. I'm a happy solitude.
willa2: I can amuse myself fairly easily.
willa2: I enjoy being *with* myself.
jacee: maybe just depend on a more refined set of dialogues -- I suppose there are those legendary people
jacee: who find THE OTHER who is all that is needed...
willa2: Oh, yes, there are a few people that I love and wouldn't want to be without.
jacee: you don't need a lot -- quality not quantity again
willa2: But very few, actually.
jacee: hmmmmmm
willa2: I've never been "popular." I'm not a partier. Although the
Greek place last week was fun . . .
willa2: It seemed like something you would like.
willa2: I don't know why.
willa2: But I thought of you.
jacee: well, of course, a good dinner has always been an active art vehicle for me..
jacee: good food
jacee: breaking bread together
willa2: Do you still think about doing something with your tapes?
jacee: I remember a dinner with Terhi and Tapio... no, I won't tell that story here
jacee: Yes, I hope to finish something in Lapland in June...
jacee: Although I hate carrying the tapes. Rather have dinners instead...
willa2: And not think about it?
jacee: right
jacee: I document enough as it is
jacee: spend massive energies documenting
willa2: It's nice, though. Helps our failing memories.
jacee: helps our memories fail! That's what technology has done
jacee: w/o photos, we would have to remember what we looked like at ten
willa2: Oh. Like, use it or lose it?
jacee: what we sounded like, moved like, IF it mattered
jacee: exactly
willa2: Well, it matters.
willa2: Differently to different people. I'm sure your mother doesn't need photos
willa2: to remember what you looked like at 10
jacee: like moving through these dialogues, what memories do I have for them, they run together in a way...
jacee: Only from pictures!
willa2: I have a photo of myself at that age on my desk;
willa2: wide eyes, so open
willa2: trusting
willa2: waiting to be filled up.
jacee: I have no impression in memory of looking in a mirror and understanding that remembering what I saw was important
jacee: it wasn't, matter of fact
jacee: at ten
jacee: and maybe not now
jacee: but in a photo we read our histories
willa2: Look in your own eyes now.
willa2: Sometimes (most of the time) we see things in photographs that we miss in
willa2: reality
willa2: Maybe not you, someone trained to *see*
willa2: But the average person misses a lot
jacee: (only as mediated by a mirror, which is glass which is amorphous silica which is a silicon chip which is a computer soul
willa2: Mirror mediation . . .
willa2: Um, makes me think of, I don't know,
willa2: prison visitation?
willa2: Through a glass
willa2: darkly
jacee: always mediated by materiality. We were not made to look at ourselves
willa2: But now face to face . . . ?
jacee: else our eyes would be on stalks, not embedded in our heads
*** jacee sets mode: -i
jacee: or so
willa2: It's strange sometimes to look at yourself in a mirror; do you ever not
willa2: recognize yourself?
willa2: Like hearing your own voice on tape
jacee: I look everyday to check the fitness of the mask for public consumption
willa2: Different than hearing it through your ears
jacee: I haven't had that look of dis-recognition, though, that I can recall
willa2: Oh, masks, another of my favorite things to contemplate--
willa2: the masks we wear for others, different ones for different
willa2: situations
willa2: I see my mother sometimes in my face
willa2: Once, very clearly. Startling.
jacee: it is all there, literally, within you
willa2: Yes.
jacee: I want to compile the series of about 700 self-portraits I have done over 20 years
willa2: You look so different in every one I've seen
willa2: That could be another book
jacee: I always think I look the same -- or have the same coutenance
jacee: countenance
willa2: Differences in hair length, beard or not, glasses, underneath the same I guess
jacee: I hear the grandfather clock strike two already. hmmm
willa2: You change your appearance a lot.
willa2: Is it time to go?
jacee: yes, my friends laugh about that
jacee: well, we are not running by a clock necessarily...
jacee: The
jacee: the gallery closes at Four their time (two here), though, I think
jacee: what have we mapped here?
willa2: I don't change at all, I don't think, except to get older.
willa2: In appearance.
willa2: Inside I do. Or, well, maybe not.
willa2: What do you think? Did we accomplish anything?
willa2: Were we supposed to accomplish anything?
jacee: we moved through different territories.
jacee: at stellar speeds
willa2: Until now, at slightly less stellar speeds . . .
jacee: nah, nothing to accomplish, that would devalue the event
jacee: I probably do need to go, though, as I am using the only phone line here, and my folks get
willa2: Just conversation. Got to know each other a little better maybe.
jacee: itchy to make phone calls
jacee: say, did you log this? You are using MIRC, right?
willa2: Okay. That's fine with me.
willa2: Yes, I told it to. Didn't you?
jacee: I logged it, but like to have a backup, just in case...
willa2: It should be there.
jacee: The screen log stops after awhile, I guess it gets filled, but I never trust whether the file has logged it all...
willa2: Minus the part where I dropped out . . .
jacee: Anyway, right, well, look, I'll be in touch.
willa2: I logged the practice one and it worked fine.
willa2: Okay. Keep in touch from your travels;
jacee: Of course, by tonight I will have this up all pretty and colorful on the site
willa2: maybe we can get together when you drive through.
willa2: I like what you've done with the colors.
jacee: and who knows, if I do pass through KC area, I will definitely let you know! It would be fun
jacee: well, makes it easier to read
willa2: Yes, it would. I enjoyed the conversation. Take care of
jacee: okay, enjoy the rest of the day off
willa2: The sun is out at least . . .
jacee: see you PORT folks later! Remo!
jacee: And talk to you in the next days onboard the Symphony, Terhi -- Tapio said you were having an IRC there...
jacee: cheers
[tee] Yes John
willa2: Bye.
[tee] But I'm not going to be on Symphony
jacee: okay, I'll send email out (tee, send me this times and channels again. okay?)
jacee: bye
[tee] I'll be connected from my studio.
[tee] OK I will. When I'll know...
jacee: Okay, parting is such sweet sorrow...
Session Close: Wed Mar 19 14:12:36 1997
Willa Cline lives in Overland Park, Kansas, where she works in a law office by
day and publishes her daily journal on the World Wide Web by night. In her free
time she practices yoga, creates mail art, nurtures a small herb garden, and
wishes she had more free time.
During the long Midwestern winter nights, she dreams of moving someplace warm
with her husband Bob and her cat Dona (who, at 24 years old, should soon be a
candidate for the Guinness Book of World Records), both of whom provide her with
many amusing anecdotes for her journal.
Willa Cline lives and works in the Midwest, and keeps freight moving across this
mighty nation, indirectly bringing joy to countless lives.
She publishes her daily journal on the World Wide Web, creates cunningly-folded
origami mail art, and dreams (during frequent evening naps) of moving to Florida
and establishing a real-estate empire with her devoted, millionaire husband,
Her web site has a devoted following of thousands, and has won many accolades,
including the first Pulitzer prize for online diarism. Willa finds her greatest
reward in ministering to the sick and poor of her city, where she is often compared
to Mother Teresa. Her faithful cat, Dona, books Willa's personal appearances. |