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logfile: bricolabs :: pixelache 30 January 2013 |
Log file opened at: 1/30/13 08:19:20 *** Topic for #bricolabs: Bricolabs welcomes you | www.bricolabs.net *** Topic for #bricolabs set by phil_praxis on Friday, March 6, 2009 03:11:20 #bricolabs: jaceee drbrian hybrid paulav kiilo lalenia __YupanaKernel__ hj4adj *** End of /NAMES list. *** Channel Mode is +cnt *** Channel created at Friday, January 29, 2010 21:53:25 *** #bricolabs You're not a channel operator jaceee: hei folks ... john here in Colorado... meeting starts in, what, 3.5 hours? patadeperr: hola tapmak: hola tapmak: chat in 20 mins was it so? patadeperr: yes ok se u then tapmak: yo! *** briandegger (5c28fef0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs *** jerneja (563a517d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs jaceee: ei all -- hola -- jerneja: ciao! briandegge: hello, jaceee: Tapio -- what would the dates be for going with you to do the text before the festival? I'm trying to figure out if I have the time to finish with university and get to Finland jaceee: inMay *** maira (b18ca693@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs briandegge: finishing a job app tonight so will be semi-present *** vx (5216a839@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs patadeperr: paula estas? tapmak: Hi, sorry for the dormancy, now on-line. Hi John, Jerneja, Maira, Brian, allez! maira: Hi Tapio :) jaceee: hei everyone...! patadeperr: hello patadeperr: i have not been present in last reunions patadeperr: could someone sort of sum things up if there seems to be time for that? *** efeefe (~efeefe@201-13-174-92.dial-up.telesp.net.br) has joined channel #bricolabs tapmak: Mayday Maydays? People arrive to Pixelache mostly for / on Thursday. Bricolabs events in Helsinki are on Friday 17th. It depens on how many days, I would say 3 minimum on the island? jerneja: hello Felipe jaceee: There is info at http://piratepad.net/bricolacheplan, Pata lalenia: Title: PiratePad: Create a new pad? (at piratepad.net) jerneja: yes, three days sounds good efeefe: hi all efeefe: coffee and banana pie, anyone? jaceee: Okay, so I should arrive in Finland (if I can!), say, 11-12 May at the latest... efeefe: new recipe here, wet pie patadeperr: seems to be very little presence from the south jaceee: uff, it would be really tight for me... tapmak: ie. arrival 11th or 12th on the weekend to Helsinki, making the journey to the island on that Sunday -> Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday there leaving Thursday early is one option. But there are folks who'd want or need to be in Helsinki already on Wednesday. jerneja: pie, yes please efeefe: are you talking about the island? jaceee: right, so, 10-11 would be even better... maira: oi efeefe tapmak: yes, island pre workshop date options, John was asking. efeefe: wednesday 15th is the opening jaceee: damn, I wish everthing was a week later!! efeefe: patadeperro: indeed, little people from the south. what can we do about it? jaceee: it also takes me a full 24 hours to get from the US to HLK efeefe: one thing is: tickets are expensive jaceee: extreme expensive! efeefe: I'll try to get extra funding from brazilian ministry of culture jaceee: heh, the US has no ministry of culture! efeefe: to bring people over efeefe: jaceee: yeah, that's awkward efeefe: there's no institution you can ask funding for? tapmak: There are tickets on sale right now by KLM. Helsinki-Sampa/Rio-Helsinki for 750-800 euros return. Not sure it works the other way btw... patadeperr: how much of the budget from Pixelache will be for travel? jaceee: I am more or less planning to cover my own expenses, although housing help in HLK might be helpful patadeperr: sounds cheap efeefe: patadeperro: it's up to us to decide about that tapmak: mmm... should we have an agenda for this session? I am happy to give airline etc tips later jaceee: no, efeefe, I am without an institutional home in the US, and so, no one to ask (even if I was more closely attached to teh Uni here, they do not routinely cover things like this except for very senior faculty efeefe: 800 euros are a good price patadeperr: should keep $ to pay for people from south patadeperr: i see camilo will be representing cooperaciones efeefe: patadeperro: yes, but still waiting for proposlas patadeperr: thats cool efeefe: had only two, so far efeefe: actually, Alejo suggested Camilo but I didn't ask Camilo whether he would be available/intersted tapmak: The more people can get travel grants the better of course, and as a local my budget need is zero a^Ę so you can count me in as cheap labour. :) patadeperr: i think it would be ok to look outside the inmdiate network efeefe: hj4adj: estas ahi? efeefe: let's exploit tapio! tapmak: work the dog patadeperr: ok jaceee: hehe... patadeperr: will medellin be paying for Camilo? jaceee: arf arf! efeefe: patadeperro: indeed, we should asap come up with a coherent bricolabs thematic proposal in order to make things more concrete efeefe: patadeperro: I have no idea patadeperr: ok jerneja: funding in slovenia is at the moment not existent. on 8.feb, national culture day, there will be an overall country demonstration agains the government efeefe: we haven't discussed that yet patadeperr: i really dont understand much from the pad patadeperr: i see the conferences are pretty clear which is good but we should go beyong conferences efeefe: patadeperro: it wouldn't be that easy :D efeefe: they expect us to propose conference, exhibition and if we want workshops efeefe: we want to work towards a publication/reader as well jaceee: hmm, they have one-way from Denver to Hlk for EUR 350 jerneja: the thing is that the proposal is also for an exhibition, but setting up an open lab is not something pixelache wants. so here is a challenge as well tapmak: suggestion... a) identify participants who have funds for travel and who can moderate brico sessions locally. b) from themes in the programme around moderators and speakers + add on-line participation (Helsinki). Then see what really makes sense for the programme, how much budget is spent/left and invest the rest into travel bursaries + fees of non-local labour like Felipe. efeefe: there will be the pixelache camp during the two days in Naissari patadeperr: i dont think they need the exhibition efeefe: the lab can take place there jaceee: so a panel session at the conference, a physical installation as exhibition , and then the workshop? efeefe: patadeperro: what would you suggest? patadeperr: the presentations seem ok patadeperr: i would like to propose the palomino streaming jerneja: yes, the island symbolically means "island of women" jaceee: what's the palomino? patadeperr: if you wish I could explain, could be like an exhibition project in a way patadeperr: we have a space in the jungle where we are developing alternative way of living efeefe: patadeperro: please do patadeperr: its 15 acres patadeperr: by a big river patadeperr: near indigenous people patadeperr: we dont have internet yet but we have solar eergy and we are figuring out the internet now patadeperr: the idea woud be to invite a finish person to come over for 2 weeks jaceee: ?doLnde? ?coLmo se llama por favor...? jaceee: sounds good! patadeperr: and he or she would be doing a sort of reality patadeperr: lso a permanant stream or little documentaries going up online all the time patadeperr: there is window to this in Helsinki efeefe: why would you need someone from finland there? patadeperr: perhaps we have some cameras with motion detectors patadeperr: at night in the forest or by the river where people come wash their clothes etc. patadeperr: also its about how we live life there patadeperr: how we deal with the garbaje, cooking, patadeperr: planting efeefe: so the idea is a continuous live stream? patadeperr: making offerings to nature tapmak: what kind of activities do you do on the 15 acres? okay so sustainable living experiment? patadeperr: sort of but we dont know how possible that is jaceee: it's interesting that we always come back to the necessity of f2f efeefe: yeah efeefe: I think a lot of people would have similar ideas patadeperr: we know we will have internet on the top of the mountin but we dont know about patadeperr: the bottom efeefe: Maira proposed the ferrysouth, relating the Riacho Grande ferry, etc. maira: yes ;) efeefe: Vince proposed remote participation patadeperr: yes susteainable living + indigenous people talking about wahts going on in the region + the probelm of lack of conectivity patadeperr: DIY technologies tapmak: Here is an art and farming project from Sweden some of you may know http://kultivator.org/ (Sounds good what you are describing) efeefe: My only concern is, spending part of our budget to pay someone from finland to go to Colombia sounds a little awkward lalenia: Title: Kultivator (at kultivator.org) jerneja: what about a documentary.i believe would be really interesting patadeperr: would we not be able to get a ticket from the form the goverment, from another source? efeefe: patadeperro: there are similar conditions in other places as well jerneja: many of the realities of bricolabs on video, being captures in this time laps, then brought together. it would give lots of insights, low cost as well. good documentation for later tapmak: We have 3 months + some 2 weeks efeefe: Nuvem, in Visconde de Maua, has been trying to handle poor connectivity efeefe: the exhibition can focus on local realities patadeperr: so windows into diferent sites could be set up in a room efeefe: patadeperro: indeed. either live or minidocs tapmak: I think Pixelache is a good place to brainstorm such a project and then set it in motion as a concept. You could make application forms for such a residency...? patadeperr: i would have a few monitors open efeefe: or else, whatever one location wants to propose patadeperr: try to do it live open for 3 days and if not possible people sending docs efeefe: but that leads to another question: we are talking about deep resonance, right? tapmak: I have one domain name I reserved for an unrealized project that could be of interest... livingrelations.org efeefe: so, showing up a lot of particular configurations is a kind of a contradiction, isn't it? jaceee: how so efeefe? patadeperr: dicothomies efeefe: if we only open particular realities for exhibition, where is the resonance there? patadeperr: well we are defenetly not seemless jaceee: the resonance can be made explicit in the humans who are participating... patadeperr: but yes we are all doing the same things efeefe: merely being connected is resonating? efeefe: patadeperro: what kinds of things? jaceee: no-no, there are overlying principles and vibes that resonate jaceee: so those need to be drawn out... patadeperr: yeah efeefe: (I do imagine, but let me know your take) jaceee: and made explicit to an audience... patadeperr: in palomino we make offerings before cutting a tree or taking a rivers water, i imagine that in brazil too, jaceee: well, a situation where there can be dialogues with any sort of audience, definitely is necessary patadeperr: a ritual diferent, but a ritual patadeperr: we recicle efeefe: jaceee: maybe then the focus should lie in what's resonating here (at least for the exhibition) jaceee: not merely 'showing a stream feed': here it is... patadeperr: we struggle with the internet jaceee: and yet even with the high level of mediation, we are able to make something happen efeefe: jaceee: genau jaceee: it is the quality of any dialogue that is stimulated or that we focus on making happen jaceee: that draws in an audience *** Signoff: briandegger (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) jaceee: and transforms them into being a participant patadeperr: I am not sure I understand all this resonating stuff but if you want patadeperr: the public to Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound. tapmak: I guess one thing that emerges here is that it is important not only to express different localities through visual presence or description, but to express how through bricolabs practices and shared ideas, in fact these contexts may have shifted, how there are issues shared, and learning takes place multi directionally, informally, on-line or when visiting a site. jaceee: jep... efeefe: jaceee: can you try to resonate deeper here? efeefe: ;) lalenia: efeefe: Error: ")" is not a valid command. patadeperr: or perhaps simply all concentrate on one consept so we can all make it "resonate" strong and clear..????? tapmak: an imaginary argument: "Don't try to resonate with me!" efeefe: resonate is the concept, I think jaceee: hahe, um, well, certainly what Tapio says, in articulating those thing actively (not passively), in whatevver our 'venue' is in FI, we can draw people into the dialogue... efeefe: there was also the idea of "generic infrastructures" through which Rob seduced a lot of people in the first days of Bricolabs jaceee: well, yes, many do resist resonance, or deny it is happpening... jaceee: because it is a powerful influence that goes deep into the psyche efeefe: Alejo mentioned 'free/open infrastructures' would be more precise tapmak: can I say a few words of what was shared today at Pixelache office? efeefe: but anyway, the idea of creating your own infrastructure or parts of it is very present, I reckon jerneja: yes, so the visual description wouldn't be just an agglomerate, but if produced with in mind the concept of resonating, by leaning, communicating...somehow it could open the imaginary of the audience, aka having to take that into account for FI. jaceee: yes, infrastructure, but or me the materialist interpretation is just too tired -- I rather move towards, into the human relation itself efeefe: so patadeperro, you solving connectivity issues and dealing with sewage or garbage are pretty much in the same direction jerneja: tapmak: go ahead efeefe: tapmak: please do tapmak: I actually like from Jerneja one word which may have been a typo, leaning patadeperr: you got me jaceee: it might be possible to illustrate resonance between different feeds -- with people attempting the same tasks in totally different laces jerneja: typo.nice one efeefe: jaceee: subjective infrastructures, was it? tapmak: coz learning is often also too formalistic and through these networks of (resonance) we actualy get a lot of support, lean on each other's experiences and ideas jaceee: resonance in engineering, as a totally different example, is a very important concept... tapmak: but to the meeting today with Pixelache... jaceee: how things are done, resonating between technological implementation... jaceee: go ahead Tap tapmak: Friday 17th is indeed THE brico day jaceee: uhuh tapmak: So we are then situated in Suvilahti, former gas plant of city of Helsinki, now a cultural venue with several spaces to be in tapmak: For this day they expect audience, not only already initiated participants tapmak: and bricolabs is chosen as a proposal also because the network cuts across geographical stereotypes etc efeefe: (Nathalie also mentioned the exhibition opening could be the 15th) tapmak: So expressing how brico projects have come about, what emergetn discourses are there now, to engage people to debate is the thing for Friday, perhaps?? tapmak: By audience and participants we talk ideally 200 people tapmak: While on Ferry + Naissaari it is max 100 people all together jaceee: whoa -- that's a lot of folks! patadeperr: nice jaceee: what is the ambience of the coming-together space in Suvilahti? tapmak: = the latter is then for more workshopping, brainstorming etc, but network connectivity is very low tapmak: Suvilahti is great jaceee: and the time frame for that part of Friday? tapmak: If you look up Flwo Festival for music, it is that area jaceee: Pixelache is always very busy day & nite! patadeperr: images? tapmak: We have most of Friday. One book launch and I think evening there was a keynote but other than that - Friday 17th Pixalache = Brico tapmak: And as it happens, the proposal that Felipe wrote _resonated_ the Pixelache theme well. jaceee: wow, sounds good! efeefe: I've got some images, just a second tapmak: So on Friday, to express how our networked modes of collaboration form inter-subjective geographies (or ignore geographies) is one important thing to express or debate in several ways jaceee: somehow, it'd be great to have, for example, small working groups in a bigger space, people interacting in small groups and forming into bigger groups at some times, then going back to smaller groups tapmak: But Pixelache is NOT an academic conference style thing efeefe: from Ulla's email: " Pictures of the different exhibition venues that can be found on Nathalie's Flickr atA^ efeefe: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27126283@N07/sets/72157632568072327/" jaceee: with individual bricos facilitating thematics in small groups efeefe: jaceee: big/small groups could be better in Naissari, isn'tit? tapmak: So mostly we should just be ourselves really, share projects and current debates, moderate people to participate to discussion and engage. But to talk in ways that also folks not fully internal to these discourses can understand = from practices up. efeefe: http://www.suvilahti.fi/front-page/ lalenia: Title: Suvilahti t Home (at www.suvilahti.fi) *** vx (5216a839@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs tapmak: Day before, lot of dialogue on recycling and urban farms etc. will come about, 3d printer from recycled plastics proejcts and so on.... efeefe: yes, the 16th will be interesting as well jaceee: yes, that's what I mean -- efeefe - if we have all day Friday, though, it's be tiresome o have just big panels and presentations tapmak: which connects nicely tapmak: I asked about programme structure tapmak: they thought max two streams, and good to keep folks together at key points jaceee: (hmm, Tapio, and feel for the acoustics in those spaces -- they look echo-y for conversations and such tapmak: but can be breakout sessions with demos. tapmak: There are all types of spaces there. We'll get more specs soonish. jerneja: there is this world cafe methodology. where people sits around a table, make it carpet. making for example sure one brico is at each table that could be the moderator... and initiates discussion. efeefe: jerneja: I don't like it tapmak: I think it would be great to do something like that for part of the day - bricolunch ? patadeperr: so your saying to talk? efeefe: kills spontaneity patadeperr: just talking? or maing things? jaceee: yes, jerneja, that's what I was suggesting -- and a movement between larger groups and smaller groups... efeefe: brico-picnic somewhere? efeefe: DIY cooking? jerneja: no need to be rigid in form jerneja: just to illustrate really *** Signoff: maira (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) efeefe: patadeperro: I would go for making thins while in Naissari patadeperr: I dont think there should be too much talking just making efeefe: especially because of poor connectivity jaceee: yes, preparing & sharing food is also a strong statement -- we should have it in the conference plan that food is shared at least for lunch! efeefe: there are lots of people working with local/negotiated connectivity tapmak: hmm... If early programme took on different topics, say 2-4 - and then there were respective break-out sessions /tables /picnics tapmak: Pixelache organization is called Piknik Frequency :D jaceee: brico-picnic jaceee: ah yeah, that's right ... jaceee: it all fits! jerneja: cheers to that jaceee: jep tapmak: Need to see how on-line participation could flow with that also... efeefe: tapmak: indeed patadeperr: sorry I dont understand its all going to be a big discussion with picnic breaks? efeefe: for south america, european afternoon is better for online partic jaceee: having connectivity at each table would be nice tapmak: "picnic" is a way to see an unconference mode where you break an audience into sessions where you can a) demo things and discuss. Coz the audience will be 100-200 ppl. jaceee: yes, we will have to overcome the schedule issues, it's always a pain! patadeperr: demo things and discuss... *** briandegger (5c28febc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs tapmak: connectivity will not be a hurdle in the Helsinki venue, needs to be taken care of but when we specify what, when and where needed we get WiFi patadeperr: a reminder: bricolage is the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available, or a work created by such a process. efeefe: patadeperro: indeed, but we can also discuss bricolage, can we not? patadeperr: Im sorry I just think that discussion is not what we should be doing. patadeperr: it is not my opinion tapmak: I think the audience would be best energized by sharing realized projects and some ongoing processes (like the brick phone and satellite related work) as well as local labs and networks. briandegge: frontline sms server perhaps to connect w south? efeefe: briandegger: define 'south' :P efeefe: here in Brazil, SMS is way too expensive *** kdag (~alejo@xdsl-188-154-194-219.adslplus.ch) has joined channel #bricolabs patadeperr: one defenition: action over theory jaceee: bricolage can also be tied to the idea of people having a f2f interaction and creating ideas as well as actions and things efeefe: not a feasible option efeefe: bricolating ideas kdag silently moves to the back and listens (hola btw) tapmak: patadeperro: during 18th and 19th it is all about workshopping and doing things together, especially in Estonia. Ferry, well not so much hands on but we have more intimate spaces on those big ships for us to use. jaceee: yes, as we have a variety of venues and situations to deal with , we simply implement what seems best... patadeperr: ok jaceee: of course planning is necessary too... ;-) patadeperr: dindt get that sorry briandegge: south = not where we are.... efeefe: thinking without doing // doing without thinking etc. kdag: south is where is warm, could be a sauna tapmak: Hi Alejo - will you be physically on site in Helsinki, to take a sauna? briandegge: south is where equatorial satellite hopping/squatting is possible kdag: tapmak: dear i dont know kdag: tapmak: i wish i can make it tapmak: Sauna is where my South is (a placard on my wall) - or was that in reverse? briandegge: anyone interested in portable rocketstove making/cooking jerneja: ok. i'll just share it with you now. there is a new institute in Slovenia, called KSEVT. it investigates the space, or actually it deals with the culturalization of space. leaving the military or commercial infrastructures, which are being build now...it has its own new building. you can read more about it here. so it goes, it deals with the local the regional and the planettary.http://www.culture.si/en/Cultural_Centre_of_European_ kdag: great.. palindrome tapmak:kdag: I do wish you can make it. jaceee: I sure as hell will be doing saunas in HLK if I make it there!!! briandegge: north=sauna.... :) briandegge: (enough geography) Sauna is a special place kdag: jerneja: is that where marko collaborates also? jerneja: and the orbits, satellites, arts and technology, are really close jerneja: yes, they just opened an exhibition at UCR california riverside jerneja: and KSEVT - I went there yesterday. kdag: i like the topic of latitudes and how they re projected up into space.. latitud 0 and the geos, but how is that related now with pixeache? jerneja: Marko co-curated the exhibition, another link: http://ucrtoday.ucr.edu/11337 lalenia: Title: UCR Today: UCR ARTSblock Exhibition Focuses on Citizen Space Exploration (at ucrtoday.ucr.edu) kdag: jerneja: i see a relation via free infrastructures tapmak:kdag: latitude as defined by /as? kdag: that imaginary line that divides north and south and when looked from 36000km serves as home for satcom mil sats.. jerneja: free open infrastructure that is the bricoplan jaceee: hmmm, it's hard for me to overlook the deep connection with that exhibition to military-industrial roots tapmak: The physical space where we will be in Naissaari is a birthplace of a guy, who even though lost one arm at early age, made his living sanding lenses for telescopes. And then he invented some techniques. kdag: yes kdag: i mentioned that tapmak on the first meeting tapmak: This space was closed military sea mine plant for the Soviet era... tapmak:kdag: nice kdag: i have a schmidt caseegarian telescope tapmak: ditto efeefe: ops, sorry - was away for a couple minutes jerneja: can see your point john, but making some shifts kdag: jerneja: i resonate with this -> free open infrastructure that is the bricoplan jaceee: big space science is so deeply connected to the MIC that it's impossible to make a separation imho... efeefe: ksevt + msst kdag: as a way to guide and requesto some works from bricolabs participants *** Signoff: kiilo (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) kdag: few days ago i though on asking philippe for the al-cadie jaceee: that's why, perhaps the resonances of the earth's magnetic field in bio-systems might be better than dealing with satellites jerneja: efeefe: msst? kdag: james will say sats are victorian age technology :) efeefe:kdag: latitud 0 is really significant if we talk about north/south, innit? kdag: poetic tapmak: One way to approach the whole is to identify people who want to moderate a combination of local participants + online participants to first present, then debate / brainstorm /body storm it further (along the lines of free/open infras. jerneja: super poetic efeefe: I reckon MSST could be portrayed as well jaceee: magnets aren't tho... efeefe: +1kdag: jerneja: i resonate with this -> free open infrastructure that is the bricoplan efeefe: "infrastructure" meaning more than usually oes efeefe: does briandegge: 0 efeefe: jerneja: the sateliteless movement briandegge: naice tapmak: Zero patience efeefe: lat- efeefe: lat0 jaceee: so a re-configurable space with a variety of possibilities of coming together at different scales/ways on Friday would be a simple starting point jaceee: then filling out the potentials efeefe: anyways, we have... jerneja: efeffe: good to work on that for the reader jerneja: ps efeefe tapmak: A project by Sreejata & Joy from Delhi could be interesting to involve: www.invisibleconstellation.net *** intertwilight (~tesla@p4FC0B54A.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined channel #bricolabs kdag: o/ intertwilight tapmak: Sreejata: "a participatory work and is mapping the narratives on demolition, gentrification, migration and displacement of any city in the world, you have experienced. It would be nice if you could also ask any other artists/ urban designer/ architect/ urban /social researcher or anybody who is affected by this to add star with narratives/ images/link" intertwili: greetings bricos ... just getting in after the transmediale Marshall McLuhan lecture ... intertwili: (stephen kovats in berlin here) efeefe: 15th good moment for exhib opening efeefe: 17th brico-day in helsinki efeefe: 17th/18th ferry, etc. efeefe: 18th workshops/hands-on/working groups efeefe: 19th idem + closing efeefe: in parallel, exhibition and reader/research/etc. jaceee: I just hope I can swing it to get to FI... jaceee: BTW if anyone knows of any interesting post-doc research positions anywhere in the world, let me konw... I'm aiming to get out of the US again asap... tapmak: my hunch is that reader + talks + meetings is a lot of things to keep going for those of us who get/are there. An exhibition component would need to be assessed how it could be realized, who could take responsibility over it? jaceee: any more parameters on the Reader? I haven't been able to give it much thought tapmak: otherwise the schedule efe outlined is good - also we have a few ppl who could join for a pre event with sauna, food - and of course, discussion and editing. jaceee: I don't think I want to be involved in the exhibition part -- it's not my skill set... jaceee: jep efeefe: tapmak: indeed, it'd be great if someone could be responsible for the exhibition kdag: I could help felipe on that front, at least to get works from few people briandegge: Reader in open ecologies and technologies :) ? briandegge: I am more interested in workshopology than exhibitions efeefe:kdag: refine the idea behind the exhibition and then getting works, right? efeefe: briandegger: reader in brico-themes kdag: yes, but id i understand pixelache wants that to happen, show some works kdag: s/id/if efeefe: one idea is to dive into bricolabs archives and find relevant themes/moments/solutions jaceee: Hmmm, I might be able to pull in Lonny Grafman from appropedia http://www.appropedia.org/Appropedia:About lalenia: Title: Appropedia:About - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki (at www.appropedia.org) briandegge: brico-themes . got it.... patadeperr: i want to make a mud hut. efeefe: patadeperro: in helsinki? patadeperr: why not kdag: :) patadeperr: In the exhibition space patadeperr: we could turn it into a sauna kdag: smells ! tapmak: Pixelache works = projects, demos, designs; though sometimes there have been installations in more classical sense (what ever that might be). efeefe: there's a text cooking here: http://piratepad.net/bricolachetext lalenia: Title: PiratePad: bricolachetext (at piratepad.net) jerneja: the idea is to have brico interviews also everyone please contribute with your elaborations on facing north/facing south..or any particularities...briandegger, workshopology i agree. kdag yes they do want that efeefe: (had comments already to change its direction though) efeefe: tapmak: can we get a lot of mud there? efeefe: ;) lalenia: efeefe: Error: ")" is not a valid command. efeefe: lalenia: I didn't ask lalenia: efeefe: Error: "I" is not a valid command. tapmak: efeefe: is mud a new drug I should know about? kdag: i've learnt about MUDs in Tornio tapmak: sure thing, MUD opera efeefe: hah jaceee: hehehe, kdag, ancient history ;-) patadeperr: DIY house, the basics patadeperr: but makes you free kdag: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:La_casa_de_barro.jpg lalenia: intertwili: idea on reader: perhaps it could be a brico follow-up, or expansion on the 'Bandung Declaration of Open Cultures, Technologies and Ecologies' which was penned and passed at Common Room Bandung in 2010 intertwili: http://culture360.org/magazine/new-ways-of-promoting-artistic-and-cultural-expressions/ tapmak: we hae a lot of snow handy at the moment lalenia: intertwili: direct link to the Declaration here: intertwili: http://culture360.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2011/04/BandungDeclaration2010.pdf?ef6f3c lalenia: kdag: intertwilight: the bandung declaration.. fundamental *** Signoff: briandegger (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) intertwili: it marked only the beginning of a discussion, that seems may be appropriate in the pixelache context kdag: it relates to the bogota declaration (on the geostationary orbit we mentioned earlier) intertwili: and was part-brico document intertwili: yes tapmak: I don't remember if this translates... but in Finnish, we say "KA?det savessa" meaning hands in the mud, meaning, doing practice, getting it done. kdag: gustaff mithg like it intertwili: sorry, missed the earlier discussion jaceee: so, should we formulate a call on the brico list that everyone(!) pair up for a email-based text dialogues/interviews (many of them) that we could then use in the text? jerneja: yes. good one! jaceee: tapio -- i also recall a nt-so-nice Finnish expression : "Mud People" for immigrants, eh? patadeperr: technology and theory are very north... efeefe: jaceee: call for brico-list, yes! jerneja: tapmak doubledecked ony our table this one patadeperr: i think...it would be good to have some basic stuff going on.. efeefe: patadeperro: I don't believe in north tapmak: jacee: close. patadeperr: how about the masculine? kdag: patadeperro: i think i see your point, dont agree on that tech is north.. see theory more north... tech is everywhere efeefe: I don't like dicothomies efeefe: anyway jaceee: trichotomies are more fun ;-) kdag: but yes, i see it crucial to have things happening efeefe: pancothomies efeefe:kdag: agreed tapmak: engagement first through practices efeefe: we can break the 17th into early talking and then split sessions with demos, presentations and if someone offers, more practical stuff efeefe: then the 18th we can think of real concrete doing etc. jaceee: I'm going to write something on the piratepad about a brico call to establish dialogue partners for dialogue/interviews... efeefe: jerneja and jaceee will brew a brico-call for reader, right? it would be great if someone offered to dive into brico-archives. *** kiilo (~kiilo@84-73-25-17.dclient.hispeed.ch) has joined channel #bricolabs efeefe: (I heard you thinking) efeefe: me and alejo will discuss further the ideas for exhibition, etc. anyone willing to join us is welcome. tapmak you in? *** Signoff: patadeperro (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) efeefe: for the 17th, do you people think we should first refine the text in the pad, or instead start thinking of conference/sessions/workinggroups/presentations already? tapmak: ps. one dichotomy I don't appreciate personally is saying practice and theory are opposites, or that one is more benevolent than the other. There can be grounded theory and pointless practice, so to speak, and paradoxically again in reverse. tapmak: efeefe: sure, I am in. jaceee: thougth and action has to be unified! *** iuriguilherme (~iuriguilh@ has joined channel #bricolabs jerneja: think simultaneuosly can do, we need to deliver the text by when, now, or? brake down the sessions later... tapmak: In general, there is not enough TIY in this world (Think It Yourself) efeefe: iuriguilherme: fala maluco iuriguilhe: efeefe: te conheAo? iuriguilhe: :D efeefe: jerneja: they expect us to come up with a text for pixelache weblog these days tapmak: efeefe: it would be good to make draft theme sessions and ask folks to propose more, and people could sign up writing up brief descriptions as well as offer themselves as moderators / interventors for those efeefe: it's not supposed to be our ultimate statement, just to point to things we're trying to do in our part of the programme tapmak: but yes, if the meta description is done first, the rest can follow over the course of next two months. jaceee: shiite -- can't paste into the chat window... jerneja: spoon feed the window jerneja: haha jaceee: I just wrote a quick frame for a dialogue/interview call on the piratepad in dark green jaceee: under "Ideas" efeefe: btw, I've put ulla's email on venues here: http://piratepad.net/bricolachevenues lalenia: Title: PiratePad: bricolachevenues (at piratepad.net) efeefe: only the pictures are missing tapmak: Ville showed some nice images from Naissaari. I can put those up some place or share links as he does. *** B3ZN0S (~anonadmin@201-67-49-176.bsaco700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) has joined channel #bricolabs kdag: could it be that vanessas point on: tech-theory->masculine be addressed on that TIY "call" the gender issues that to even mention create categories that i guess we strive to leave without disregarding... how to read her last comments.. kdag: vx: you there? jaceee: my IRC client is Carbon-based (not living carbon, but old Mac carbon)... vx: sort of! hey everyone! efeefe: tapmak: please share Naissari photos, I haven't seen those yet jaceee: Ei V.! kdag: jaceee: seems like you wanted to spam the channel and got blocked :) jaceee: no, it's my client... ancient IRCle, actually not sure why it's running on my OS at all! efeefe: vx: vem pra ca, gringa! kdag: jaja jaceee: it seems to be logging, but no copy-paste... vx: but vanessa has gone... i am just reading and thinking about your proposals while taking part in 2 other online discussions so need to process it all....i have a couple of groups who would like to participate remotely depending on the scope.... kdag: oke efeefe: vx: can you help setting remote sessions then? vx: and certainly i am happy to help to continue with the work done on the bandung declaration... jaceee: anyway, if any wants to look at that and give me some feedback or ideas how to implement, I'd appreciate it... *** patadeperro (~chatzilla@ has joined channel #bricolabs efeefe: we didn't discuss it much today, but I think it is important, to have a sense on resonant non-geography vx: yes - certainly. i might be very remote (jungle in peru) but can get to a connection for the days of the sessions and i spoke to some people in manchester today as well who are interested...depending on how things end up vx: possibility i will be in colombia too though with vanessa....this has been discussed too vx: we can make an igloo in the jungle near palomino? patadeperr: sorry I was offline for a while intertwili: I won't be able to go to HEL/TAL, but if there is interest, I'm happy to host/chair an online discussion or remote session - perhaps on the Declaration and its development/manifestation intertwili: or any other issues you may want some berlin input on ... vx: one thing i was thinking about was how bricolabs could be creating solutions for knowledge sharing between north and south - hardly rocket science and really what we do every day....but maybe some sort of demonstration of this... *** Signoff: B3ZN0S (Quit: Saindo) efeefe: vx: could you help us planning the remote sessions beforehand as well? vx: trying to get beyond the north and south....more into p2p territory and yes efeefe am happy to assist kdag: question, simple one, will you produce some doc of how to build such MUD HUT? wouldnt that be a theoretical desc of a technology no matter what objects and actors are involved? patadeperr: how do you imagien we could do the remote sessions? vx: talking in about 3 mins to 2 network experts - one in mexico and one in australia....who i did try to intro to bricolabs a while back but nothing came of it - ooh and here the call is - will be back in a beat! patadeperr: imagine kdag: vx: p2p lead to onion networks (TOR) and hiddenServices back to infrastructures, latency and opacity efeefe: I like cross-streaming plus IRC ;) kdag: leads me ^ kdag: not far from streaming kiilo: try n2n patadeperr: so small session scedualed at particualr times? efeefe:kdag: you obsesses type kdag: same area code kiilo: easy setup kiilo: n2n VPN is a no brainer efeefe: patadeperro: either small sessions precisely schedule kdag: ola kiilo ! jaceee: yeah, cross-streaming + IRC seems to best == technically stable with options... kiilo: ola efeefe: or an open screen in HLK with lots of remote venues connecting where they see fit, tending to chaos efeefe: what I do like kdag: too much abbreviautures kdag: tech abbrev patadeperr: i like the caos option patadeperr: yeah efeefe: is that southern? efeefe: heh kdag: that is... webRTC kiilo: yea patadeperr: maybe a motion control that decides which strem gets to go kiilo: hot topic patadeperr: yes I think so efe, its organic jaceee: how many people here would be willing to engage with one other brico in an extended interview/dialogue via email in the next month? (just a survey) patadeperr: sexy brico? jaceee: talking on whatever topics arose naturally between them... efeefe:kdag: are you testing it? tapmak: somehow it could be a blind date. efeefe: webrtc I mean efeefe: best motion control is human finger patadeperr: one option efeefe: no need to make it more complex in my opinion kdag: yes, we have done tests.. but you have the google hangouts as a way to see it patadeperr: i understand efeefe: jaceee: +1 efeefe:kdag: does hangout use webrtc? kdag: yes patadeperr: i too like Jaceee's idea patadeperr: even if its more theory kdag: efeefe: we can test and set up a server fot that.. make a note efeefe:kdag: could be a way to go kdag: indeed jaceee: it's not theory -- it is about the Self encountering the Other -- that ain't theory even if highly mediated... kdag: have alsweys been in need jaceee: it's fundamental... kdag: always efeefe: actually, I'm not even sure if that's in the conference or exhibition jaceee: ;-) just like what we do here, now, isn't theory... it's life ;-] lalenia: jaceee: Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands. efeefe: jaceee: agreed efeefe: talking is making jerneja: jacee so true. intertwili: i'd be happy & willing to engage another brico in an extended interview/dialogue (but perhaps not terribly extended!) patadeperr: im just a bit obessed with action over discussion. meeting to make things instead of taliking for examples, seems fundamental, you have to admit we have done alot of talking the bricos... patadeperr: This could be a nice oportunity to do a bit more action... *** briandegger (5c28fe37@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs kiilo: hi brian patadeperr: perhaps all the participants could bring soemthing to Helsinki and with all the things make one thing.. efeefe: patadeperro: I think a good number of us is involved with concrete actions everyday jaceee: (it's in the extension (beyond the normative) that we break into new territory and paradigms, Steven ;-) paulav: yes patadeperro paulav: hola jerneja: point. the call should have indicative deadline. all the rest is up to the constellation. tapmap thanks for sharing invisibleconstellation work btw kdag: patadeperro: i had the same feeling on my first meeting here on IRC like 3 weeks ago paulav: hello, i am sorry. efeefe: but I reckon it is the nature of a 'network' emerging from a mailing list to be pretty talkative efeefe: people, I must leave pretty soon kdag: and as tapmak said, there's never enough of TIY and "thinking is making" efeefe: jerneja: what is the constellation? jaceee: pata: but also each of us is involved in action as well, they cannot be separated and called better or worse, as Tapio points out... they are a seamless part of life, both, thoughts and actions... words and deeds jerneja: of the combination of the chosen person to do the interview with patadeperr: i agree and i have benfited greatly form all of our talks, i just hope, push for something concrete in Helsinki ..one action together... tapmak: I agree that sharing practices that have emerged and been imporant for bricos should be highlighted in Helsinki. We talk about audience only some know about this network... jaceee: (lets dance!) intertwili: extensions beyond the normative yes ... beyond space/time possibilities not is rather what i meant efeefe: but that's an important issue we should have in mind for our plans jaceee: hehe, I knew that Steven, just poking ;-) efeefe: so, daughter on my lap - need to leave tapmak: efeefe/jerneja: A project two friends from Delhi are working with that looks at radical urban transformations but tries to look at connection points between different locations. Posted the url earlier. efeefe: I haven't heard from HONF, anyone in contact with Venzha or Gustaff these days? jerneja: not these days kdag: not since last summer jerneja: seen lots of activity they had earlier with lifepatch workshop efeefe: I copied them in the first PVT emails, had no reply kiilo: could be made tapmak: I am talking with Andreas from Honf recently kdag: http://www.invisibleconstellation.net/ thats the url that tapio posted earlier lalenia: Title: Invisible Constellation - Main (at www.invisibleconstellation.net) efeefe: also James is busy this week, spending some time here in Brazil kiilo: connection to honf a friend was just there efeefe:kdag: ah, right intertwili: i'm in fairly regular contact with HONF regarding MICRONATIONS / MACRONATIONS and sometimes with Gustaff efeefe: it would be great to have them involved in pixelache/brico efeefe: jaromil is silent as well jerneja: will buzz them. yes. kdag: efeefe: i thinks we need to email with action oriented requests to fill some gaps efeefe: anyway, let's continue via mailing list and meet again next wed? intertwili: more on HONF also coming up ... with a request to support them in a remote discussion during their presentation at UNESCO HQ end february (but that's another issue, only tangential to pixelache) tapmak: lots of water related work going on there now too that would connect with many of us... (HONF + hacteria ) efeefe:kdag: agreed. do that later. kiilo: also there is another lab upcoming in yogya - liepatch kdag: k kiilo: lifepatch kdag: liepatch sounds good efeefe: waterlabs have been discussed in brico, underrepresented in our recent discussions efeefe: ok, leaving now. if this goes on, can someone please post the log to the mailing list? efeefe: better yet, I'll leave the computer open, but won't be here kiilo: their website http://lifepatch.org/Main_Page lalenia: Title: Lifepatch - citizen initiative in art, science and technology - Lifepatch - citizen initiative in art, science and technology (at lifepatch.org) efeefe: cool, bye then tapmak: Ivan and Kasia and myself are on the water track too. kdag: bye tapmak: Efeefe: can you share after IRC ok dates for visiting UBA past 11th? jerneja: c u. also hackteria lab is happening now in bangalore http://ln-s.net/+YVL lalenia: Title: HackteriaLab 2013 - Bangalore - Hackteria (at ln-s.net) *** brv (~bru@189-84-178-47.sodobrasil.net.br) has joined channel #bricolabs tapmak: yup, I wanted to go there but I was in India just recently so could not get another visa. jaceee: I'll put the IRC log up much later tonite ... kdag: was invited and had to say no cause no time to make the visa brv: hello intertwili: g'night all, i have to check out ... good luck with it all! kdag: ciao intertwilight kdag: ola bruno *** Signoff: intertwilight (Quit: intertwilight) brv: oi kdag tapmak: good night Steve - Bruno, all. *** Signoff: tapmak (Quit: Page closed) jaceee: ciao everyone! jerneja: till next wed. jaceee: I'll leave the channel log open for a bit more today... vx: pls - i have a quick update vx: just finishing off a call but we can do something with several aborigine groups in may - thats sorted if you wish for it *** Signoff: briandegger (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) vx: ok - so basically there are quite a few convergences going to be happening. i was just organising some work to assist the reunifying of the americas - the eagle and the condor, north and south, masculine and feminine....and there is now talk of seeing how that can merge with other native cultures - at present we are looking to establish links between americas and australia and new zealance vx: zealand jerneja: amazing! vx: by no means is that exhaustive. and we will be doing a range of telepresence and physical activities from march this year to march next year (at least). there can be inclusion of 'aborigine' groups in a telepresence activity as bricolabs contribution to pixelache - was just agreed upon if you like vx: and then we have a group in manchester who are from the 'diaspora' called southern voices who would be happy to participate remotely plus a group i am working with called co-lab who have software and tools available for knowledge sharing between north and south - timebanking and alternative media and currencies etc.... *** maira (b18ca693@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #bricolabs *** Signoff: patadeperro (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) *** Signoff: vx (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) *** Signoff: jerneja (Quit: Page closed) *** Signoff: efeefe (Quit: Leaving.) *** Signoff: jaceee (Quit: ?adios amigos y amigas!) 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