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logfile: (((send&receive)))

Log file opened at: 21.10.02 13:37:15

#sendrec: neoscenes SandR kix
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +
*** Channel created at Monday, October 21, 2002 10:19:55
neoscenes: hey warez omez?
neoscenes: anybody know?
neoscenes: kix -- is august around?
kix: ahoi neoscenes
neoscenes: I have a prelim audio stream now at http://kubrick.colorado.edu:6060/ramgen/encoder/sandr.rm
*** omez (matt@first.thing.net) has joined channel #sendrec
neoscenes: hey matt!

omez: oke
omez: little timeout issue
neoscenes: John here..
neoscenes: I have a test chill stream at http://kubrick.colorado.edu:6060/ramgen/encoder/sandr.rm now...
omez: he john, what kind of realserver are you using?
neoscenes: I have access to a full-tilt llicense one here at the university
neoscenes: and I am working from home on a 100mps line
omez: kool
neoscenes: yeah, I'm psyched -- first time from home...
omez: oke, cuz we justare having some "fun" with an expired realsystem 8 licence
neoscenes: have you checked the stream? you should be able to get pretty good bandwidth -- we are on one of the main (old) darpanet nodes here
neoscenes: ouch!
omez: and the new "helix" server doesnt support the old macOS encoders
neoscenes: wish I could offer this one, but they made me sell my soul just to get on...
omez: ur stream is working great
neoscenes: right
omez: comes in @ 64kbits
omez: which is good enuff 4 college FM
omez: :)
neoscenes: cool, I have a lot of music material to chill on now, but will have spoken word and ambient audio with the vid mix later...
neoscenes: okay, cool
neoscenes: the network is probably under heavy use now during the day...
omez: i will get steve online, so he can discuss schedulng with you
neoscenes: ok
omez: so hes just wrapping up a meeting and will be on in5
neoscenes: okay, sounds good, I can eat annd stream here, love being HOME!
kix: omez: to prevent any timezone issues: we will be on in 2 hrs from now?
neoscenes: 1600 MST=1700 CST=2200 kix time=(CET = GMT+1?) right?
omez: kix, no
omez: first is Kunstradio, ofcourse
omez: as always
omez: so u have 2 wait, but steve is in charge of scheduling
omez: so we all have 2 wait
neoscenes: two hours from now by my calculations -- it's always such a pain in the ass, should go with swatch time... ;-)
omez:neoscenes: mail@whimsiad.ca
omez: thaz the email of the webmaster
kix: omez: i c
neoscenes: email for? the webfolks?
neoscenes: yup
omez: D
*** Signoff: omez (Leaving)
*** omez (matt@first.thing.net) has joined channel #sendrec
SandR: hey everyone, steve here. i'm working on the tunig the schedule. what's eeveryone need?
neoscenes: well, lessee -- I'm here in Boulder, ready to stream a couple hours more or less, what do YOU need?
neoscenes: Are you basically doing a remix the whole evening? or... what exactly?
neoscenes: I have planned a audio//video stream live performed with VDMX platform...
SandR: hi john,
SandR: i'm going to put up a schedule for the first couple hours asap.
neoscenes: technically, I can stream all evening... and you can do with it what you want...
SandR: okay, lemme look at all i ave to fit in. thx.
neoscenes: ok
*** gust (august@ has joined channel #sendrec
kix: hey gust
gust: hey kix
gust: re ppl
SandR: oke, back in the picture
neoscenes: gust! welcome! John here (in Bowldah)
gust: hey john, long time no read.
neoscenes: right on! nice to be linked!
neoscenes: I'm liking all this streaming activity lately...
gust: im with you john.
gust: good to see some activity.
neoscenes: yup
neoscenes: you folks are in Vienna at the Kunstradiostudios?
neoscenes: or?
SandR: hey august, steve here (win-a-pig)
gust: no, im at my flat...kix is at his.
gust: hey steve !
neoscenes: oh, wow, you have home bandwidth, then!
gust: hanging on a lame-oh adsl line.
kix hangs on a slow cable modem ..
neoscenes: o :-(
neoscenes: hey Steve -- is Ken coming around at all?
kix: nothing to compare with the - was it a 100 mbps - at you house ..
neoscenes: yup, but it comes at a price -- student housing, sometimes not so nice...
gust: steve, hows it all going there? got it all square away?
kix: neo: ic
kix: but, who needs an nice space when having bandwidth ;)
SandR: hey. umm, ken's around but working madly. he's performing tuesday nite and then leaves for a month. i should have the first couple hours organized momentarily!!!
neoscenes: yup, I am enjoying every minute of it, been here for 6 weeks so far as guest prof, and it rocks
neoscenes: I'm a bit afraid that my switcher here in the house will blow at some point with three machines, one encoding to the server one receiving, and another just for fun...
gust: neo: :)
SandR: gust, how long do you want be on?
gust: steve: yeah, the 35 minutes that you scheduled us for should be ok.
SandR: great
gust: steve, we are at 17:15 Winnepeg time right?
SandR: gust, let's go for 17:30 winnipeg time. cool?
SandR: we'll have tro stop at 18:00 to go to new york folks.
gust: yo ok.
gust: no prob.
SandR: 'john, right now i've got you down for 19:40 - 20:10 which might be a little off from the original. is this okay for you?
neoscenes: yeah, that should be fine -- so, 30 min concentrated -- does it matter that I have audio & video?
SandR: hey hey ..this is kenn g wastin bandwidth with hellos and warm greetings to the outside world!!
neoscenes: hey Ken! good to hear ya!
neoscenes: on to the Maritimes, I guess, eh?
SandR: Hey John ... not yet leavin on Weds...
neoscenes: cool, that'd be a nice gig
kix: hei di ho ken
kix: go on, waste some bandwidth!
SandR: greeting AUgust and Mexx
neoscenes: yeah, let's see what you can do!
SandR: lol...
kix: so where are ya leaving to?
SandR: will try and spin some noise later..got work to do
neoscenes: too busy for us remote nerds, hih?
SandR: goin to Halifax Canada East coast kix
kix: i c
SandR: will be workin n listening at home..
gust: howdy ken!
SandR: oi howdy August !
SandR: kix=?
kix: mexx
gust: got your solar pannels out lately?
SandR: *S* not lately but will be doin some stuff with the sun in Spring
neoscenes: need to come to the sunny SW deserts! 330 daze of sun each year in Colorado...
SandR: ok back to your regularly scheduled tech preps.. ciao..see ya all later
neoscenes: ciao!
gust: cu l8ter ken.
kix: read ya, ken
neoscenes: hey, Steve -- that 1940 - 2010 -- is that CST? so, 1840 - 1910 MST (1t's 1500 here now, you should have 1600)
omez: neo, u got it
omez: 15.57pm on my puterclock
neoscenes: okay
omez: neo, whaz the URL of your website, if u got one?
neoscenes: http://neoscenes.net
neoscenes: and the stream http://kubrick.colorado.edu:6060/ramgen/encoder/sandr.rm test running now...
omez: kool
neoscenes: Steve -- wanted to query you again -- whether you folks are even "using" video there in Winnipeg -- like, is there a scene happening?
omez: neo, we probably wont be presenting any video, juz audio
neoscenes: ok, just wondering...
SandR: we're about to get going here in winnipeg...
gust: one, and two, and three....
gust: .what comes next?
SandR: kunstradio
gust: hey, you guys have an audio url?
omez: its da KR stream at the moment
omez: or go 2 http://first.thingnet/s+r/live.html
omez: thing.net
gust: yeah gotit now...was confus-ed wid da embeded realaudio.
gust: no embeded playa fuer *nix.
*** Signoff: SandR (gotta use this puter)
omez: gustl, sorry, wer not being PeeCee 2day
gust: quite alrwrite, just hang in there.
omez: since there is only a few jams happening, wer juz "relaying" the single streams
gust: whats going on there? any public?
gust: omez, you guys got bandwidth there, or should i stick with just 32kbps ?
omez: well, waz da connection like the server is on?
omez: we got a fairly nice DSL line, but hey, its fuqin 9000ks
omez: .-)
gust: server has a 6-10 mbit line
gust: but, if you guys are just relaying, its probably better just to stick wid 32k
omez: gustl, i think u guys can get started, juz tell me ur URL
omez: so i can stick it in the embedded thingy
gust: http://develop.ment.org:8000/userradio
omez: oke, yo guyz r on
omez: on air i mean
gust: alrighty then
omez: i linked to the fundamental radio page
omez: hope thaz kool
gust: thats kool
kix: homez: will mi ja ned beschweren: aber bei mir (winblows 2k ie) spielt da embedede player nix ab ...
*** kAAgEE (kAAgEE@wnpgmb02dc1-res-75-37.mts.net) has joined channel #sendrec
omez: tja
omez: kann ich nicht helfen
omez: ham leider kein winblows
omez: aber die dudes in der radiostation ham keine beschwerden
omez: vielleicht hast kein mp3 modul im RAPlayer
kix: maybe .. okay
omez: he ken
omez: does the embedded player work for u?

kAAgEE: yes ..the embedded player works ... but crashed first time... rebooted .. ok now
omez: allrite, so juz kix hasnt got his shit sorted
omez: :)
kix: jaja :P
kix: no time for rebbot ;)
neoscenes: these live things ARE stressful, no matter the prep time...
omez: he can u guys go 4 a bit longer?
kix: okay
kix: just give us a sign 2 minutes before we go off air
kix: aehem, how much is a bit?
omez: 10 mins
Log file opened at: 21.10.02 17:52:55

#sendrec: ircleuser void macd omez
*** End of /NAMES list.
*** Mode is +
*** Channel created at Monday, October 21, 2002 10:19:55
ircleuser: whew, one of my titaniums died there for a bit, so, for the record, I'm going on in 47 minutes, right? 19:40 cst...
macd: neoscenes?
ircleuser: and the present stream is a noise performance? that comes and goes -- I am getting very bad buffering at the moment...
ircleuser: yup, it's me, changed my name ;-)
*** kAAgEE (kAAgEE@wnpgmb02dc1-res-70-106.mts.net) has joined channel #sendrec
kAAgEE: boom boom... out go da lights...
ircleuser: I hear that!
*** ircleuser is now known as neoscenes
macd: from neo to ircle, from kAgEE to macd. candleflame orbits.
kAAgEE: ...suspened on a breeze... gusts ... take me out
neoscenes: got a whiff of that digital dust in ma mouse, and it sneezed...
neoscenes: who's irc server is this anyway?
neoscenes: okay, folks, I gotta finish making dinner for my kid, and get VDMX running on this machine... talk to you later!
macd: ok, just been looking at your site john. thanks for displaying the Blake Quote.
macd: hard to be live in so many different time zones
macd: well done to all working the radio and server by the way.
macd: just come back from a reading at the Croft, here in Bristol. happens every monday night, called 'acoustic night' mix of poets, writers and musicians.
macd: oh yeah, for got to mention, theres even an audience...
macd: nice to hear these sounds 1:16am my time
macd: ah neoscene is still on. the glitch sounded nice
macd: if you have some questions for the artist
macd: ummm...
macd: do you whant to speak a little bit
macd: do you work out your performace
macd: we have a structure
macd: this is ckuw...
kAAgEE: lol
macd: nice one
kAAgEE: I like hearing the dicusion in New York
macd: was that NY?
kAAgEE: it was a colloborative jam with folks here in Winnipeg and folks in New York
macd: awwww...not going to listen any more...
kAAgEE: really .. why?
macd: well done keeping with the schedule
kAAgEE: schedule is a lil off
macd: don't know hearing new york through winnipeg in birstol still gets me when I think about it
omez: its gonna be more off
kAAgEE: lol
omez: joclyn is looking for a cd
omez: :)
kAAgEE: of cource
kAAgEE: macd .. are you listening to the stream from ckuw?
macd: time zones vanish in an instant, like being a short wave ham
macd: my ol' man was one
macd: yeah, headphones in the dead of night
kAAgEE: your ol man was a time zone?.... hmmmmmmm... I gotta think a bit
macd: ham ham HAM :)
kAAgEE: *lights come on * ...
macd: blink and you miss it. v innaresin
kAAgEE: speed o light...
macd: i like this sam decter collaboration
neoscenes: okay, gents, I'm going, so you can tune in anytime...
kAAgEE: sounds nice.. He gonna be playin later :)
kAAgEE: you got robots running your stuff john?
neoscenes: well, in the vagabond mode, everything is driven with some random generators... only I spend the time tweaking everything...
neoscenes: files are queued and all that... all prepped
kAAgEE: I see... you've downloaded your brain into siftware
kAAgEE: siftin n castin....an all that
neoscenes: yup!
omez: allrite
omez: neo, ur gonna be delayed
macd: don't get it whos playing now. cheers john
kAAgEE: cheers john ...
omez: steve juz went off to grab some essential CD
neoscenes: oh yeah -- how long -- i'm cooking dinner and jamming
omez: so were gonna play a differnt file
omez: hehe
kAAgEE: *S*
neoscenes: let me know what's up -- you have the URL already
omez: well, by 40 mins atleast
omez: i will
neoscenes: OOOoooooooOOOOO, okay, I go make some dinner, then,
neoscenes: so, 2050, then, your time
neoscenes: no, 2020
neoscenes: that is
neoscenes: start time
macd: who is playing now?
neoscenes: I don't kn w -- I am streaming, but on my own server...
omez: 0body is playing, u shouldnt be hearing anythong
omez: just digital noise
neoscenes: gee, well, you could pull my stream if you have dead time...
omez: well, yeah
omez: we will be playing a file in about 5 mins
neoscenes: or no, dead air, that's the term...
macd: no receiving from
omez: well, on air there is a CD
neoscenes: hmmmmmm
macd: ahhh
macd: dead air is term for playing recorded music?
macd: innarestin
kAAgEE: yeah ... the folks at the radio station are covering by slippin CDs into the the mix when the streamers are clogged up
neoscenes: oh, I'm not tuned in, unfortunately, as I only have three machines running... on my LAN
neoscenes: and they are all busy
macd: so whats up next?
neoscenes: I am multi-tasking on one titanium with IRC, email, and the live video mix software...
omez: it will be a file by maex decker fr
omez: om austria
neoscenes: okay, so, I stand by for 40 minutes, right?
kAAgEE: cool john... and makin dinner too! ...what's for dinner?
omez: neo, juz hang loose;-)
omez: but atleast 40mins
neoscenes: roast beef and organic potatoes, carrots, mint chocolate chip ice cream and cookies, green salad
macd: machfeld?
neoscenes: my other titanium is taking care of dinner, I have a wired kitchen ;-)
kAAgEE: ... mic that stuff up John..*S* sounds delicisous
omez: http://www.firstfloor.org/ae/
omez: is what maex does
omez: but he probably knows some of the MACHFELD ppl
kAAgEE: JR still lookin for a CD omez
kAAgEE: ?
omez: well, steve is now looking, raced home et al
kAAgEE: yikes! ... they got the van back from the towyard?
kAAgEE: macd.. how did you find out about this project?
neoscenes: yup, wish I could spread the smell online!
macd: bit different then
omez: ok, JR is on
macd: can't remember, maybe Xchange, back in june/july
macd: you got your van taken away?
omez: happens every yr atleast once
kAAgEE: the producers of the festival got towed this aft
kAAgEE: yeah gotta get towed sooner or later
omez: Winnipeg is totally unparkable
omez: atleast downtown
omez: where nobody hangs anyways
omez: .-)
kAAgEE: yup...wait til all the 'parking ' goeas chaotic with the new arena
omez: yeah
omez: im sure cityhall is rubbing their palms as we speak
kAAgEE: yup... $$$$$$$$
kAAgEE: is JR jammin with the ProTools?
macd: how much to get it out of the pound
macd: dont U just get a ticket?
kAAgEE: ticket from the city + you have to pay the towing company ..
macd: expensive capitalism
macd: http://www.herenorthere.org/sound.src/sound.src.ram
kAAgEE: its a racket ... towing companys fight it out to get the tender ..
macd: sown up.
kAAgEE: wow those cats at the ckuw cut off JR and went to a cart
macd: poes with the pollution I suppose
kAAgEE: aaaa... they dropped the line
neoscenes: what kind of station is it -- a us-style "public" or commercial?
neoscenes: college?
kAAgEE: university communiity
neoscenes: so they can handle seriously alternative audio...
kAAgEE: canada style....
kAAgEE: totaly alternative
neoscenes: yup
neoscenes: is there a countdown for me?
neoscenes: ten minutes?
macd: shame. servers ain't the best of tech. such an enormous amount to do. yo break a leg john. don know if I can last much longer...
macd: canada stylee, innit.
kAAgEE: boom boom ... out goes the browser.. will be crashing soon
macd: always sumfing to look forward too.
neoscenes: infrastructure is a pain -- this is the first time I've had access to a .com level server
neoscenes: for streaming
neoscenes: starting last spring
kAAgEE: cool john...
neoscenes: nice to have the bandwidth and stability -- it's just the univ doesn't know what I'm using it for ;-)
kAAgEE: lol
neoscenes: they usta just use it for file serving, no thing live ! USD25K license!
macd: whats the diff from .com to .net. we talking a web class system?
kAAgEE: yikes that's a lot o cabbage
neoscenes: well, just having a tech support infrastructure (rather than having to patch urself stuff together
neoscenes: which I did starting back at Polar Circuit 1 in 1997 (with Ken
neoscenes: G.)
kAAgEE: cabbage patch kids we was...
macd: I notice you gotta send the second line of what U write separate from the first. I don't have that prob. interesting what effect that has on language and communication.
neoscenes: yup, just an old irc habit...
kAAgEE: we still patchin n scratchin up here... and proud of it... the .commers can eat there blandwidth
neoscenes: hitting return to get the message out asap///
macd: in the scheme of things. yeah, but always intersting how language gets shaped, changes with its own use, etc.
neoscenes: yup, I hear ya! I'm all for open source -- I find the US scene disgusting... I been living in EUrope for 12 years...
neoscenes: back here for a teaching gig
omez: allrite
kAAgEE: omez ... ya need any thing... cokes, water, beeer...
kAAgEE: fude?
omez: coke, a 50c canadian tyre bill & karton of xport A
omez: .-)
omez: no, all is well
omez: thx tho
macd: yeah. teaching would be cool, I was in slovenia last month, and my web stuff is on The Cube, here in Bristol, Linux is the thing. not a programmer meself, but the culture is the thing
macd: yous till get canadian tyre money?
neoscenes: yep, network structures are where it's at -- I live by my personal human network
kAAgEE: yup... gotta drawer full
macd: where in euroland john?
omez: neoscenes, get ready, ull be on in ~10mins
kAAgEE: gonna buy xmas gifties with it
neoscenes: okay, I'm here!
macd: you know Heath?
neoscenes: and streaming, so you can just fade-in fade-out
kAAgEE: yes Heath was out here one year lookin after the streaming
neoscenes: bunting?
neoscenes: yeah
omez: allrite, ill give ya word
neoscenes: right, at banff
kAAgEE: Banff too... sendandreceive had hom and Suzz
neoscenes: hope my vid signal won't cause you any grief, will it?
kAAgEE: here to do the networking
macd: yeah, I remember when he was in Banff. setting up web radio amonst other things. known him some time.
neoscenes: oh yeah, cool. I haven't seen him since a gig in Oslo 1.5 yr ago
kAAgEE: cool .. if ya see him say hello from the Winnipeg crew
neoscenes: okay...
macd: yeah will do.
kAAgEE: one o his irational stickers is still on a toilet roll dispenser in my building and at ArtSpace
macd: he set up CyberCafe, bulletin board before the www.
kAAgEE: no wait... not sticker .. written with felt pen
neoscenes: right, I was at the Digital Chaos Cyber fest inBath ages ago...
macd: yeah cyber fest, what year you remember?
neoscenes: omez -- will my 320x240 vid cause any havoc with ur Web interface?
neoscenes: 1996
macd: first one wasn't it, in a pub, forget the name, walcott st. bath.
neoscenes: yup, I just had the network of folks get together for a dinner...
neoscenes: heath, Kathy Rae, the irrational crew, and a bunch of other folks
neoscenes: I can feel the energy!
macd: yeah, nowadays he's been doing a crossing borders project. havein't seen him for 2 months, but he's in town I think, U know Kate? BIT project?
kAAgEE: they all in Boulder ?
kAAgEE: I met Kat a couple of times... seen al lot of the BIT technology at fests
kAAgEE: Kate
neoscenes: NO, only other networker in Boulder in Mark Amerika from alt-x, we are in a vacume!
omez: allrite
macd: hheat been involved in terrestrial and web casting, worked with him in early 9ties, on pirate radio here in bristol
omez: ur on, neo
neoscenes: omez, I'm here!
kAAgEE: cool.. i bet he built a transmitter outa old gum, a pencli and a car battery
neoscenes: lemme know -- I'll be off irc except in the background, gotta tend my signal...
macd: not quite. had some builders here back then, just had a pirate radio closed down here last week. "passion FM" cops and govn't v heavy about broadcasting here
macd: ciao neo, go $ it
kAAgEE: gotta reboot .. player won't work*** Signoff: kAAgEE (Ircle was here!)
neoscenes: hope I didn't kill your player!
omez: ok, ur onair
neoscenes: this is a fat signal (but multistream*** kAAgEE (kAAgEE@wnpgmb02dc1-res-67-34.mts.net) has joined channel #sendrec
neoscenes: kagee 0--- hope my sig didn't eradicate ya!
kAAgEE: omez .. what 's the link URL .. the embed player doesn't work for me
omez: oops
omez: http://kubrick.colorado.edu:6060/ramgen/encoder/sandr.rm
macd: U can go to http://neoscenes.net/ and get to it from there
kAAgEE: ooOOoooo....
macd: lovely mix of sound, loveli images too
neoscenes: thnx
macd: like the voice narratives, the interplay of difference, more than of conversation
macd: is that yur dinner?
neoscenes: nope, jes my rumbling stomach ;-0
neoscenes: music now, Alexsi Nuuja, a student of mine in Helsinki
kAAgEE: nice ....]\
kAAgEE: are they projecting this or something for the udience at VideoPool
neoscenes: I dunno..
macd: have to go, thnks for chat and sund images, really nice/ I'm at: switch2@blueyonder.co.uk
omez: no, im afraid wer not setup 4 video
omez: since neo is the only one with real video content
neoscenes: okay, enjoy!
macd: will try coming back later, ciao 4 now
neoscenes: omez, i take that as a compliment!
neoscenes: ;-)*** Signoff: kAAgEE (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))*** Signoff: macd (zili ne biza)
omez: absolutly, we r just marveling at the imagery*** kAAgEE (kAAgEE@wnpgmb02dc1-res-64-236.mts.net) has joined channel #sendrec
kAAgEE: was runnin video full screen... crashed after awhile
omez: welcum 2 crapOS
omez: :)
neoscenes: yup, happens...
kAAgEE: could be powerlogix upgrade too...
kAAgEE: this machine has been batty since I got that
omez: which one is it?
kAAgEE: omez.. waht 's the seen like there at VP...
kAAgEE: G3/4
kAAgEE: more than a 3 but not quite a 4
kAAgEE: powerlogix G4/500 upgrade for g3 lombard
omez: oops
omez: mistake
omez: everybody with upgraded lombards bitches
kAAgEE: yup
kAAgEE: I got talked into it when the G3 cach ram went bad on the original... just a few dollas more he said
omez: oh
omez: went bad is nasty
omez: just had my ram go bad in the PeeCee
neoscenes: these titaniums can take a beating, tho, like now...
kAAgEE: shoulda just went with the Apple replacement
omez: yeah, until the screen snaps offf
omez: ok, neo, wer gonna go to Dresden now
omez: the Improbable Radio Orchestra
kAAgEE: snaps ... up .. no onelike that ... all though its a B-Boy that's got it... he was prolly doin a head spin with scirros kicks on it
neoscenes: okay, jes fine, it was fun!
kAAgEE: tankye John .. very nice
omez: yo, twas a pleasure!
neoscenes: my pleasure!
neoscenes: whups, not a minute too soon, the encoder machine choked!
neoscenes: I think an overheating prob...
neoscenes: I'm off!
neoscenes: oh, now i can listen to everybody else!
*** Signoff: kAAgEE (Ircle was here!)
*** macd (macd@pc-62-30-255-154-az.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined channel #sendrec
*** macd has left channel #sendrec
*** macd (macd@pc-62-30-255-154-az.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined channel #sendrec
macd: testing
*** Signoff: macd ()
*** macd (macd@pc-62-30-255-154-az.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined channel #sendrec
omez: he macd
macd: hey matt hows it going
neoscenes: so, the minimalists are raging!
macd: the beauty of small things
omez: sure thing
macd: hows the schedule going
omez: the schedule is fucked
omez: :)
macd: "time is a chorus line of dancing meridians"
macd: can U give me a time?
macd: nice one by the way neo, enjoyed that
neoscenes: thank you fer tuning in -- now I hafta clean the house, tapes, vinyl, wires, machines, and dirty dishes, got the kid off to bed after reading from The Two Towers...
omez: mac, gimme some info, like name & website so i can add it to teh "schedule"
macd: ok whats the 2 towers, hope thekid sleeps well, thanks for virtual dinner
macd: hi steve,
macd: I have updated my audio files page at:
macd: http://sparror.cubecinema.com/macdunlop/audiofilesindex.html
macd: to include some more recent tracks for your broadcast.
macd: MONTH OF SUNDAYS/chapter one is 1 min 54 sec long and chapter two is 5 min 8 sec long.
macd: WEATHERS FINE, abbra cadava is 2 min 36 sec long, faithfull is 1 min 24 sec long, house wear is 1 min. long, , mr. mountain is 2 min 20 sec, long
macd: and from
macd: FREE WORLD WHAT has an added track, called THE FOUR HORSEMEN, this is 5 min 27 sec long and sex and death radio phone in is 3 min 30 sec long
macd: a playing order if you want to let it go for 20 minutes as in the provisional schedule could be:
macd: sex and death radio phone in 3 min 30 sec
macd: chapter two 5 min 8 sec long.
macd: mr. mountain 2 min 20 sec, long
macd: THE FOUR HORSEMEN, 5 min 27 sec long
macd: house wear 1 min.
macd: and
macd: lying ally 1 min 45 sec long(contemplative note)
macd: or
macd: chapter one 1 min 54 sec long(ending on a sombre note)
macd: which leaves about a minute to spare
macd: this is info already forwarded to you here is time listin gin schedule >20:40 - 21:00
macd: >mac dunlop (bristol)
macd: and here its late
omez: no shit
omez: NOW we know who u r
omez: :)
omez: so, r u gonna do this live or can we download ur files somwhere?
omez: sorry 4 the confusion
macd: is this a joke
omez: no dude, no joke
omez: wer confused
neoscenes: the two towers (lord of the rings)...
omez: if its live no sweat, just trying to get u some sleep
neoscenes: (Im doing email too...)
macd: how old is the kid
neoscenes: 10
macd: sleep yeah me too. so ther is no plan?
neoscenes: I wanted to read it to him before the movie arrives...
omez: sure there is a plan
omez: wer just all headless chickens and 0body can remember the plan
macd: I didn't read tolkien until I was 14 15, but thats nice to be reminded of that story, and that time
neoscenes: yup, he;s enjoying it... (the movies are too scary for him anyway, so,
omez: allrite, so ur url is
omez: have i got that rite?
omez: oke
macd: you lost me matt, why do I have a.pls URL? my stuff is on http://sparror.cubecinema.com/macdunlop/audiofilesindex.html
omez: NOW
omez: wrong emails
omez: sorry 4 all this shit
omez: we had a totally fucked email moment here
omez: where i was going 4 the wrong urls
macd: "headless chickens", http://www.sendandreceive.org/festival.html scroll down, im going to bed. ciao
omez: cya*** Signoff: macd ()
neoscenes: I'm gonna fail here, too, thanks gents for the evening, I'll be putting up an archive file at some point -- what's ur email addy? -- ah well,I can let Ken G know at least...
neoscenes: g'nite!
omez: thnx 4 the kool piece, neoscenes
omez: email is matt@firstfloor.org
neoscenes: cheers! oh, you guys want a logfile file? I usually archive...
neoscenes: for irc that is
omez: sure, ill take anything i can get;-)
neoscenes: next time you should advertise the irc channel, maybe get some other networkers to drop in...
neoscenes: ;-) oh yeah!
omez: yeah, but gets a bit confusing if ur trying to get something done
neoscenes: y'know I lived in Iceland for 5 years -- you got some of those folks there in Winnipeg, eh?\
omez: everybody popping in saying hi
omez: ;0
omez: but hey, if ur bored, then drop in on #schlonz on this server
omez: its mostly got some of my nerdy friends hanging out;)
neoscenes: ok, I got it logged on my irc client...
Log file closed at: 21.10.02 21:45:38
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