Monday, 23 July, 1962

Had 10 copies made of our lists of problem areas and questions, and handed them out to those who made them up, with copies to AAG & WZL.

Sat in a mtg with 3 chaps from Lockheed Electronic, who spoke of their development of a small jamming decoy. It looks good except their antenna at the lower frequency. Their Mr. Kemp Bennett did a good job of explaining what they have done. They will submit a proposal to BSD. He left a paper with AAG on how many jammers to use.


Took DCH to Explorer Post Mtg. He has 2 papers to write for his driver’s training course, due tomorrow, but he has left both until tonight. He was sent to bed at 9:30 PM, actually got into bed at 10:10, and then proceeded to get back up and put a pair of pants across the door so he could put the light on without making the light show. He ought to realize that this sort of lying and cheating doesn’t do him any good.

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