advanced digital art 4126 stre@m

<meta name="keyworx" content="keyworx, brunch, collaborative, jamming, dialogue, stream, performance, video, audio, food, chat, politics, virtual, digital, media, irc, real, eat, appetite, communing, neoscenes, colorado, boulder, art">

14 December 2003, 1000-1300 MDT (GMT-7)

amsterdam @ 1800 - 2100
reykjavik @ 1700 - 2000
nyc @ 12:00 - 3:00 pm
sydney @ 0500 - 0800 monday 15.12
helsinki @ 1900 - 2200


1 - Bret, Brandon, Taylor B
10:00 - 10:20
experience an accumulation of audio, video, and other images that are organic (in a way) in nature. blended together from vastly different media files, this jam focuses on the arrangement of color, shape, and form that the intricate distortion and complex layering of visuals will produce
starting from a deep look around, each collaborative cell generates a live mix performance of their own streaming content via the keyworx software interface, three networked computers, a remote server, and sustained concentration, attention and focus --we invite you to tune in, re-mix, re-broadcast, and above all, enjoy
2 - Jon, Amanda, Courtnee 10:20 - 10:40 element (el·e·ment) ˆ an environment naturally suited to or associated with an individual. What is your element? Explore nature and man in his outdoor element. The sights, the sounds, and the many thoughts that fly through his head will fly across the screen
3 - Jesse, Jenny, Sarah 10:40 - 11:00 a revealing jam: aspects of individuality and of combined interaction. with self-created and referenced files, extensions of ourselves, comes a database of video, audio, image, and text.  with this, we will create spontaneous streaming collages. we hope to share a little of our personalities, views, or just our daily lives, and project it out for anyone to experience without words: something that cannot be misunderstood, or even fully translated
4 - Jane, Chris, Deneeka 11:00 - 11:20 present time is all there really is. the past and the future exist only in our minds.Present time is truth. In our jam you will see relations to our past, present, and future that have reflected our lives as well as the lives of people around the world.
5 - Sharon, Allyson, Eric 11:20 - 11:40
an intergalactic journey through time, space, and art. The beauty of science and art interconnected between the creations of deep space and the creations of human experience. Images and videos of intersteller formations and the artists personal creations accompanied by a myriad of audio tracks will guide you through this aesthetic adventure.
6 - AJ, Di, Taylor H 11:40 - 12:00
7 - Jessica, Bob, David 12:00 - 12:20 an adventure of epic proportions begins. A global conquest in search for the ultimate destiny. A journey of travel and techno, mishaps and hip hop and relaxing, calming meditations. A journey full of cartoons and fun with a
glimpse of the past and the future. Sit back and see how far you can go....

tune in via the Real audio/video stream

or via IRC

keyworx is a collaborative platform for live/real-time audio-video-text-image jamming (more info at

live participants:
Andrew Best, Jon Loether, Allyson Bieryla, Taylor Bischoff
Bob Okun, Taylor Hockmeier, Courtnee Frisbie, Brandon Keslar
Jane Crayton, Bret Meythaler, Jenny Peterson, Sharon Clark, Jessica Leber
Amanda Lanning, Diana Spencer, Jesse Valens, Eric Nelson
Deneeka Torrey, David Dvorak, Sarah Chung, Chris Martin

John Hopkins